
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 7 6 CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Chapters Go Virtual As they navigate these unprecedented times, the lead- ers of ASM Chapters are making event decisions mindful of the current COVID-19 situation and with the safety of their membership in the forefront. While some chapters are tem- porarily postponing events, others are embracing virtual ways to meet. All chapters were provided with Ring Central/ Zoom software from ASM headquarters and leaders were trained on implementation, including a session by Immedi- ate Past President David Furrer, FASM. Chapters are encour- aged to send in stories of the unique ways they are staying connected with members. MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Babu Honored by ACerS Suresh S. Babu, FASM, the UT-Oak Ridge National Laboratory Governor’s Chair for Advanced Manu- facturing, was nominated in April by President Donald J. Trump to serve a six-year term on the National Science Board (NSB). One of the world’s leading experts in developing advanced mate- rials, Babu serves on several multi-uni- versity and multipartner projects, including IACMI—The Composites Insti- tute, and on projects for the U.S. government that include research for the Navy. He is an example of the many ways that the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) work together, holding appointments in both organizations. In addition to his joint role as a Gover- nor’s Chair, he is director of the Bredesen Center for Inter- disciplinary Research and Graduate Education and works through the Joint Institute for Advanced Materials, both of which are UT-ORNL ventures. The NSB was created to serve along with the director in shaping policy and research for the National Science Foundation, including the pursuit of national policies for the promotion of research and educa- tion in science and engineering, and the funding and sup- port that go with them. The board also advises the president and Congress on scientific matters and occasionally issues press releases and papers. Singh Honored by ACerS Mrityunjay Singh, FASM, was named a 2020 Distinguished Life Mem- ber by the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) in June. The Distinguished Life Member Award is the highest honor accorded to members of the scientific and technical organization and rec- ognizes eminent contribution to the ceramic and glass profession. Singh is chief scientist at the Ohio Aerospace Institute in Cleveland. He received his Ph.D. in metallurgical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology-BHU in Varanasi, India, and did his post-doctoral work at Louisiana State University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He has been actively involved in research on charac- terizing advanced ceramics and composites, ultrahigh-tem- perature ceramic composites, lightweight cellular ceramics, and high conductivity composites and foams for thermal management applications. He is an ACerS Fellow and a past president of its society. He received the John Jeppson Medal, President Award, Richard M. Fulrath Award, Samuel Geijsbeek Award, James I. Mueller Award, and Toledo Glass and Ceramic Awards. Singh is a member of the ASM Cleve- land Chapter. Sridharan Named ANS Fellow Kumar Sridharan, FASM, profes- sor in the Departments of Engineer- ing Physics and Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Wis- consin-Madison, has been elected to Fellow of the American Nuclear Soci- ety (ANS). ANS recognized Sridharan for his major research contributions in materials corrosion and degrada- tion processes in nuclear energy sys- tems, and for impact on the nuclear industry through the development of improved fuel cladding concepts as well as education and mentorship of undergraduate and graduate students. Sridharan serves on the AM&P Editorial Commit- tee and is a member of the ASM Milwaukee Chapter. Singh Babu Sridharan CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS nect with other emerging professionals and seasoned pro- fessionals alike to ask any questions you may have about what to expect out of work or how to handle new situations. Confusing acronyms are everywhere, and others have also faced challenging bosses or confusing assignments—you are not alone. As a student, this is an excellent opportunity to net- work with various companies or universities to help you determine the best path for your future. Though many com- panies have issued hiring freezes for the current time, taking the initiative to attend a conference will set you apart. For everyone, this is our chance to remember that we are still connected and will remain so, no matter how amor- phous the situation may become. To stay up to date on the latest news about IMAT 2020, check the website at imatevent.org or follow ASM Interna- tional on social media.