February AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 9 7 4 CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Cleveland Honors its Fellows The ASM Cleveland Chapter celebrated Fellows night by inviting Cleveland FASMs to their chapter meeting and holiday party. The chapter is preparing for its 100th anniversary celebration scheduled for May 18 at the Cleve- land Museum of Natural History. For informa- tion, sponsorship, or tickets, contact Dave Kovarik at dkovarik@nslanalytical.com or Diana Essock at dessock1@gmail.com. ASM Fellows in attendance at the recent Cleveland Chapter meeting include: from left (front row), Brad Lerch, Michael Salkind, John Harkness, Warren Haws, Don Hashiguchi, Andrew Sherman, and Walter Duval; (back row), Ray Cribb, Greg Petrus, Mark De Guire, Bill Loewenthal, TomGlasgow, and Ivan Locci. Congratulations to these ASM Chapters celebrating 100 years of serving local members! Milwaukee Philadelphia Pittsburgh Thank you for your commitment! We look forward to celebrating your future success! CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS MEMBERS IN THE NEWS ASM Dignitaries attend Ryerson’s Silver Jubilee The Centre for Near-net-shape Processing of Materials (CNPM) at Ryerson University, Toronto, celebrated its Silver Jubilee and reunion on June 1, 2018. Director of the center is ASM Past President Ravi Ravindran, FASM (front row, 8th from left). Participants included ASM Past President Sun- niva Collins, FASM (2nd row, 3rd from left), IIT-Madras Pro- fessor B.S. Murty, FASM (front, 4th), University President Mohamed Lachemi (front, 6th), University President Emer- itus Terry Grier (front, 7th) and Prof. Alex McLean, FASM (front, 9th). Invitees included many distinguished materials engineers, academicians, and past students of Prof. Ravin- dran. Grier inaugurated the center in 1993 and it now has a silver trail of accomplished and famous alumni.