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Sheet Metal Forming: 2-Volume Set
Product Code: 05351G
Price: $327 / ASM Member: $245
Sheet Metal Forming: Fundamentals
Edited by Taylan Altan and A. Erman Tekkaya
2012 • 314 pages
ISBN: 978-1-61503-842-8
Product Code: 05340G
Price: $207 / ASM Member $155
Principal variables of sheet forming – including
interactions between variables – are clearly
explained, as a basic foundation for the most
effective use of computer aided modeling in
process and die design.
Sheet Metal Forming: Processes
and Applications
Edited by Taylan Altan and A. Erman Tekkaya
2012 • 382 pages
ISBN: 978-1-61503-844-2
Product Code: 05350G
Price: $207 / ASM Member: $155
The latest developments on the design of sheet forming
operations, equipment, tooling, and process modeling.
Metals Fabrication:
Understanding the Basics
By F.C. Campbell
2013 • 439 pages
IBSN: 978-1-62708-018-7
Product Code: 05374G
Price: $187 / ASM Member: $135
This book can be read and understood by anyone
with a technical background. It is especially useful to
those who deal with metals including designers,
mechanical engineers, civil engineers, structural engineers, material and
process engineers, manufacturing engineers, faculty, and materials science
students. This volume covers the basics of metal fabrication, delving deep
into the technology of metals fabrication.
ASM Specialty Handbook
Tool Materials
Edited by J.R. Davis
1995 • 501 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-545-7
Product Code: 06506G
Price: $307 / ASM Member: $231
Casting Design and Performance
2009 • 272 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-724-6
Product Code: 05263G
Price: $197 / ASM Member: $145
For designers, manufacturing engineers, and
purchasing personnel who specify and evaluate metal
castings. General design principles with in-depth
coverage on important design configurations of cast
components, casting design influences in casting
solidification and properties. Dynamic properties are described in detail for
cast iron, steel, and aluminum.
Gear Materials, Properties,
and Manufacture
Edited by J.R. Davis
2005 • 339 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-815-1
Product Code: 05125G
Price: $187 / ASM Member: $135
Overview of gears, lubrication and wear; in-depth
treatment of metallic alloys (ferrous and nonferrous)
and plastic gear materials; gear manufacturing
methods (including metal removal, casting, forming, and forging); heat
treatment; and failure analysis, fatigue life prediction and mechanical testing.
Handbook of Workability
and Process Design
Edited by G.E. Dieter, H.A. Kuhn,
and S.L. Semiatin
2003 • 414 pages
ISBN: 978-0-87170-778-9
Product Code: 06701G
Price: $247 / ASM Member: $185
Advanced High-Strength
Steels: Science, Technology
and Applications
By Mahmoud Y. Demeri
2013 • 312 pages
IBSN: 978-1-62708-005-7
Product Code: 05370G
Price: $167 / ASM Member: $125
A comprehensive examination of the types,
microstructures, and attributes of AHSS as well as a
review of current and future applications, the benefits, trends, and
environmental and sustainability issues.
Stainless Steels Reference Library
DVD, 2011 Edition
ASM International • 2011
Over 11,000 pages in PDF format.
ISBN: 978-1-61503-829-9
Product Code: 05334V
Price: $703 / ASM Member: $601
Complete guide to the selection, designations, processing, properties, and
performance of stainless steel alloys.
DVD can be used with any Windows platform laptop or desktop computer with a DVD
drive. Articles can be printed, and text, tables, and images can be copied and pasted.
Note: The files on the disc cannot be copied, so the DVD must be present in the local
machine for the content to be accessed.