Aug_EDFA_Digital 7 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO . 3 distribution,withashift inthehigh-currentpopulation. The center of this distribution is now centered around 1.9 µA after burn-in (right plot). This shift suggests that the tribo- electric charging damage in these devicesmay have been partially annealed during the burn-in. CONCLUSION Triboelectric charging damage can occur during fabrication and packaging of ICs. Several telltale signs or characteristics of this type of charging damage are described in this article. They include spatial dependency, distinct TIVA-signal patterns, ESD/EOS damage, bimodal I DDS distributions, and significant changes in I DDS distribu- tions after burn-in. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Most of the materials described in this article have either been published or presented in references. [1,2] I would like to thank Darlene Udoni for providing several internal Sandia documents related to triboelectric charg- ing damage in wafers. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, awholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525. REFERENCES 1. M.A. Miller and D.M. Udoni: “Charge-induced Damage of SOI Wafers: A Case Study,” Proc. Int. Symp. Test. Fail. Anal. (ISTFA), 2017. 2. R.N. Nowlin, et al.: “Water-based-process ChargingDamageRevealed by Total-ionizing-dose Radiation,” Proc. GOMACTech, 2019. 3. E.I. Cole, Jr., P. Tangyunyong, andD.L. Barton: “Backside Localization of Open and Shorted IC Interconnections,” Int. Rel. Phys. Symp. Proc., 1998, p. 129-136. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Paiboon Tangyunyong is a dis- tinguished member of the technical staffat SandiaNational Laboratories. He receivedhisM.SandPh.D. degrees in applied and engineering physics fromCornell University. He hasmore than 25 years of experience in failure analysis of microelectronic devices. He co-developed several scanning laser-based techniques for defect localization that are usedworldwide. He also led the development of power spectrum analysis for various applications. He has authored or co-authored 72 techni- cal papers with seven best-paper or outstanding-paper awards. He also has eight patents. Fig. 7 I DDS distribution plots of a packaged lot with triboelectric charging damage before (left) and after (right) burn-in. [2]