Aug_EDFA_Digital ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO . 3 52 we are working to secure Roadmap ownership across the community. The new FA Roadmap will comprise three councils: a Die-level Roadmap Council (DLRC), a Package Innovation Roadmap Council (PIRC), and an FA Future Roadmap Council (FAFRC). In an effort to incorporate a common FA workflow, the DLRCwill host two separate domain teams: an Isolation and Post-isolation Domain. Each council will be directed by two chairs and supported with motivated subject-matter experts (i.e., committeemembers) whowill invest in accurately detailing the relevant technical chal- lenges while promoting active vendor/academic partici- pation to explore and categorize potential solutions. The FAFRCwill continue to look ahead to determinewhat may be coming next by surveying reputable industry roadmaps and reporting on related near-term developments/chal- lenges that have a tangible 3 to 5-year horizon. The figure on the previous page highlights our upgraded Roadmap structure along with the council chairs who will own their respective domains. The resulting gap analyses and supporting white papers will, as before, be made available to the wider FA community via our dedicated FA Roadmap portal on ASM Connect. As a member of the EDFAS FA Technology Roadmap Committee, I encourage you to engage with this effort on ASM Connect so you can interact and influ- ence the shape of the Roadmap. It is critical we hear from our members on the challenges they face in the lab, the improvements they want to see, and the new technolo- gies we should be evaluating and/or investing in. We hope this Roadmapwill add value to everyone connected to the industry and we encourage you all to participate, learn, and prepare for the future. To participate and access the FA Roadmap portal on ASM Connect, please visit: edfasistfafatechnologyroadmap/home. Accelerated Analysis. ............................................ 52 Allied High Tech. ..............................................26-27 ASM International. ...................... Inside Back Cover Checkpoint Technologies................................16-17 Quantum Focus Instruments. ................................ 3 Semicaps..........................................................32-33 Ted Pella................................................................ 22 TESCAN USA Inc........................... Inside front cover ULTRA TEC...............................................Back cover For advertising information and rates , contact: Kelly Johanns, Business Development Manager 440.318.4702, Current rate card may be viewed online at INDEX OF ADVERTISERS A RESOURCE FOR TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENTS ELECTRONIC DEVICE FAILURE ANALYSIS GUEST COLUMNIST
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