Aug_EDFA_Digital 51 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO . 3 GUEST COLUMNIST a spin-off FA Future team was estab- lished to informthe industryabout the imminent technologies and potential challenges thatmay be comingnext. It was clear that to have this effort formalized and rolled out across the industry in an interactive and inclusivemanner would not only return a critical compilation of relevant action items, but it would also serve as a recognized technical programfromwhich anyone involved in FA could benefit. Unfortunately, although that approach captured some key features, it offered limited technical detail and scope anddidnot initiate the impetus essential for such an effort across community. The Roadmap therefore needed to grow roots within the community to secure interest, generate momentum, and extract maximum value. As a result, a revised infrastructure was created and recently approved by the EDFAS Board in which focused groups (or councils) will be formed and tasked to authenticate their respective technical gaps, communicate the narra- tive, and drive content creation. With this new structure, I n November of 2018, the ASM and ISTFA Organizing Committees established the FA Technology Roadmap at the direction of the EDFAS Board. The mandate comprised two parts: 1) leverage the technical expertise captured throughout the industry to identify both current and future FA challenges as part of an annual industry- wide gap analysis, and 2) engage with both equipment providers and academic labs in an effort to review and pursue potential solutions to these technical challenges. Simple, right? The initial approach was to intercept the abstract review process at ISTFA and ask that the various session chairs work with their technical review teams to compile and organize a detailed list of challenges pertinent to their area of expertise. These lists, ranked in terms of criticality, were then screened by the FA Roadmap Committee and, where applicable, shared with leading vendors who were asked to provide feedback. The final result was offered to the broader FA community via a dedicatedonline platform hosted on ASM Connect—more on that later. In addition, THE EDFAS FA TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP : A PATH TO THE FUTURE Keith Serrels, NXP Semiconductors Council structure and representatives. FA Technology Roadmap