Aug_EDFA_Digital 49 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO . 3 The VK-X3000 is also highly flexible, being able to accommodate parts of practically any size. The measure- ment head can be raised to measure taller objects, or the head can be mounted onto a custom stage or gantry system for accommodate unusual sample geometries. Post-processing analysis software provides advanced measurement capabilities, making it easier to tie mea- surements to decision making. Batch processing pro- motes measurement across many parts, saving time and increasing repeatability. CAD compare can be used to overlaymeasurement datawithCAD files, helping to verify product design and understand howamanufactured part will perform compared to the design. For more information, visit . Driven bymarket demands for efficient power conver- sion, the IoT and datacomms compound semiconductor devices based on materials such as GaAs/InP, SiC or GaN, are becoming increasingly used due to their superior performance. However, challenges remain to move the technology from small prototypes to wafer scale, HVM. While device dimensions are relatively large, the often- complex layer structure means that acute accuracy of processing within these layers is required to realize the required process stability and yield to drive down the cost per wafer and accelerate adoption into the target application. Volker Blank, CEO, LayTec comments, “LayTec is very excited to take thenext step inwidening its product portfo- liowith an innovation leader likeOxford Instruments. This technology partnership allows us to expand further along the process chain in one of our traditional core markets by applying our key knowledge of data analysis and inte- gration of customized high-precision optical metrology systems. After serving our customers in the compound semiconductor industry for more than two decades, we look forward to this new opportunity to support our customers in further processes and device optimization.” Frazer Anderson, Innovations & Solutions Director at Oxford Instruments states, “As we enter a very exciting period of innovation and growth, it is our firm intention to meet the requirement of improved performance and reduced cost of ownershipobjectives necessary to support needs of the emerging GaN power and RF market. This collaboration with LayTec will further increase our ability to be able to deliver both requirements.” Oxford Instruments is a recognized technology leader in compound semiconductor processing with a range of proven wafer processing solutions installed at HVM cus- tomers. Combining Oxford Instruments’ stable plasma processing platformwith LayTec’s innovative and precise end point technology in plasma etching applications allows the control and repeatability needed to increase thewafer-to-wafer yield. The synergy of joint development and exclusive supply agreement will allow the expertise in both companies to develop and supply unique HVM ready solutions for the evolving needs of the compounds indus- try. The long-termagreement will cover developments on the entire range of Oxford Instruments’ plasma etch and deposition systems with shared rights to the intellectual property produced and coordinatedmarketing activities. The delivery of the first joint customer solution is targeted for the latter half of 2021. For more information, visit . OXFORD INSTRUMENTS PLASMA TECHNOLOGY AND LAYTEC JOIN FORCES Two technology leaders within the compound semiconductor industry, Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology and LayTec, announce an exclusive col- laboration agreement to enable the next-generation requirements of advanced semiconductor devices in the high-volumemanufacturing (HVM) environment. Thepart- nership aims to develop and integrate LayTec’s accuracy and control with Oxford Instruments’ renowned wafer processing expertise. Together, they will combine plasma process solutions with proven in-situmetrology to achieve next-generation device performance and enable a repeatableHVMprocess to shorten customers’ yield ramp. LayTec will develop the in-situ metrology while Oxford Instruments will integrate LayTec’s control with its advanced wafer processing solu- tions to deliver an enhanced solution to the customer. The Keyence VK-X3000 supports nanometer to millimeter measurements in one system.