Aug_EDFA_Digital ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO . 3 46 LITERATURE REVIEW T his column covers peer-reviewed articles published since 2018 on a range of topics including testing, case studies, security, system level, FA process, packaging, discrete devices, LEDs, power and wide-band electronics, 3D/TSVs, and novel materials. All of these fields are dependent on failure analysis for their success. Note that inclusion in this list does not vouch for the article’s quality and category sorting is by no means strict. If you wish to share an interesting, recently published peer-reviewed article with the community, please forward the citation to the above email address and I will try to include it in future installments. Entries are listed in alphabetical order by first author, then title, journal, year, volume, and first page. Note that in some cases bracketed text is inserted into the title to provide clarity about the article topic. Peer-Reviewed Literature of Interest to Failure Analysis: A Cornucopia Michael R. Bruce, Consultant • P. Chakrabarti, R.K. Saroj, P. Sarkar, et al.: “Defect– defect Magnetic Coupling in Gd Doped GaN Epitaxial Films [on SiC Substrates]: A Polarization Selective Magneto-photoluminescence Study,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 2020, 117, p. 022108. • G. Chen, X.H. Wang, J. Yang, et al.: “Effect of Micromorphology on Corrosion and Mechanical Properties of SAC305 Lead-free Solders,” Microelectron. Reliab., 2020, 108, p. 113634. • S.-W. Chen, C.-J. Chang, and T.-C. Lu: “Effect of Strains and V-Shaped Pit Structures on the Performance of GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes,” Crystals, 2020, 10 (4), p. 311. • C. De Santi, M. Buffolo, N. Renso, et al.: “Evidence for Defect-assisted Tunneling and Recombination at Extremely Low Current in InGaN/GaN-based LEDs,” Appl. Phys. Express, 2019, 12, p. 052007. • M. Dong, Q. Deng, Y. Zhang, et al.: “Study on the Relationship Between Cu Protrusion Behavior and Stresses Evolution in the Through-silicon Via Characterized by In-situ μ-Raman Spectroscopy,” Microelectron. Reliab., 2020, 115, p. 113949. • S. Escoubas, B. Vianne, M.-I. Richard, et al.: “Strain Distribution Induced in SOI Photonic Substrate by Through Silicon via Using Advanced Scanning X-Ray Nano-Diffraction,” IEEE Trans. Device Mater. Reliab., 2018, 18, p. 529. • G. Fisicaro, C. Bongiorno, I. Deretzis, et al.: “Genesis and Evolution of Extended Defects: The Role of Evolving Interface Instabilities in Cubic SiC,” Appl. Phys. Rev., 2020, 7, p. 021402. • B. Fu, Z. Jia, W. Mu, et al.: “A Review of β-Ga 2 O 3 Single Crystal Defects, Their Effects on Device Performance and Their Formation Mechanism,” J. Semicond., 2019, 40, p. 011804. • J. Hagberg, O. Nousiainen, J. Putaala, et al.: “Effect of Voids on Thermomechanical Cracking in Lead-free Sn 3 Ag 0.5 Cu Interconnections of Power Modules,” Microelectron. Reliab., 2020, 109, p. 113674. • S. Ke, D. Li, and S. Chen, “A Review: Wafer Bonding of Si-based Semiconductors,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2020, 53, p. 323001. • M.A. Khan, P. Bian, J. Qu, et al.: “Non-destructive Analysis on Nano-textured Surface of the Vertical LED for Light Enhancement,” Ultramicroscopy, 2019, 196, p. 1. • D.V. Lopaev, S.M. Zyryanov, A.I. Zotovich, et al.: “Damage to Porous SiCOH Low-k Dielectrics by O, N, and F Atoms at Lowered Temperatures,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2020, 53, p. 175203. • J.L. Lyons, D. Wickramaratne, and C.G. Van de Walle: “A First-principles Understanding of Point Defects and Impurities in GaN,” J. App. Phys., 2021, 129, p. 111101. • L. Ma, W. Qiu, and X. Fan: “Stress/strain Characterization in Electronic Packaging by Micro- Raman Spectroscopy: A Review,” Microelectron. Reliab., 2021, 118, p. 114045. • T. Matsui, K. Tatsumi, T. Kawashima, et al.: “Sensitivity Improvement of Ultrasonic Beam Induced Resistance Change (SOBIRCH) Method