e ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO . 3 44 TRAINING CALENDAR LIFELONG LEARNING EDFAS believes in lifelong learning and supporting ourmembers and customers in that endeavor. Our goal is to provide a list of educational resources in failure analysis and related topics in each issue of EDFA magazine. In addition, explore all EDFAS has to offer from regional events, chapter courses, and tutorials and courses during ISTFA. Find out more by visiting . Rosalinda M. Ring, Howard Hughes Research Labs LLC EVENT DATE LOCATION SPIE Optics + Photonics 8/1-5 San Diego, CA Contact: SPIE Symposium on Counterfeit Parts & Materials 8/3-5 Virtual Event Contact: SMTA/CALCE International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC) 8/4-6 Coimbatore, India Contact: ICESC International Conference on Electronic Equipment Packaging (ICEEP) 8/5-6 Virtual Event Contact: ICEEP Advanced System in Package Technology 8/9-12 Virtual Event Contact: iMAPS Fundamentals of Metrology 8/9-13 8/16-20 Gaithersburg, MD Gaithersburg, MD Contact: NIST How to Organize and Run a Failure Investigation 8/9-12 Virtual Event Principles of Failure Analysis 8/18-20 Virtual Event Practical Interpretation of Microstructures 8/23-26 Novelty, OH Contact: ASM International EOS/ESD Association, Tutorials in Singapore 8/16-19 Singapore Contact: ESD Association Inc. SEMICON SouthEast Asia 8/23-27 Singapore (Hybrid Event) Contact: SEMICON SEA August 2021 EVENT DATE LOCATION Microscopy Conference 8/23-27 Vienna, Austria Contact: MC2021 Semiconductor Reliability and Product Qualification 8/30-9/2 Virtual Event Contact: Semitracks Inc. August 2021 (cont'd) EVENT DATE LOCATION SiP Global Summit 9/7, 9, and 10 Taipei City, Taiwan SEMICON Taiwan 9/8-10 Taipei City, Taiwan Contact: SEMICON TAIWAN Introduction to Metallurgical Lab Practices 9/13-15 Novelty, OH Metallography for Failure Analysis 9/27-30 Novelty, OH Contact: ASM International European Microelectronics and Packaging Conferences and Exhibition (EMPC) 9/13-16 Virtual Event Contact: EMPC International Materials, Applications, and Technologies (IMAT) 9/13-16 St. Louis, MO Contact: ASM International Fundamentals of Metrology 9/13-17 Gaithersburg, VA Advanced Mass Seminar 9/20-30 Gaithersburg, VA Contact: NIST International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP) 9/20-21 Toronto, Canada Contact: ICEP 2021 September 2021
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