Aug_EDFA_Digital 43 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO . 3 OKI ENGINEERING CO. 1-7-12 Toranomon, Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-8460, Japan +81.3.3501.3111 Services Offered: Reliability testing, evaluation and analysis, ESDprotectiondesign, tester programanddevice testing, EMC test, environmental systems, and instruments calibration. Tools and Techniques: Reliability evaluation, constant temperature/humidity, thermal shock, pressure cook test, FE-SEM, TEM, EPMA, FIB, PEM, microfocus x-ray, fluores- cent x-ray analysis, ICP emission spectroscopy, logic IC tester, memory IC tester, linear IC tester, and EMC testing. RELIABLE ANALYSIS INC. 32201 North Avis Drive Madison Heights, MI 48071 248.588.9770 Services Offered: Automotive testing, components, elec- tronics, materials testing, chemical and thermal analysis, environmental simulation, lifecycle and durability, physi- cal andmechanical properties, EMC and electrical testing, fabrication and fixturing. Tools and Techniques: FT-IR, DSC, DMA, TMA, TGA, SEM with EDS, GC with MS, GC with FID, and UV-VIS spectroscopy. SUPERIOR TECHNICAL SERVICES INC. 6795 NE Evergreen Pkwy., Suite 202 Hillsboro, OR 97214 888.458.4035 ServicesOffered: DemandserviceonFIB610/611, FIB200, FIB 800, DB 820, DB 825i, XL50, XL 830/865, DB 835/865, expert troubleshooting and component level fault repair, instrument moves, computer upgrades, maintenance plans, application training, and maintenance training. Tools andTechniques: Full range of Philips and FEI XL and XTbased equipment, SEM (XL20,30, 40, 50 Tungsten, LaB6, FEG, Quanta), FIB (FEI FIB 610/611, 200, 800 Ionmill, XP, Vectra), and dual beam (FEI DB 620,820, 235, 830,860,835, 865, Quanta, Nova). W H LABORATORIES 8450 Rayson Houston, TX 77080 713.895.7504 Services Offered: Metallurgical testing, failure analysis, nondestructive testing, weld consulting, overlay welding services, calibration, and expert consulting. Tools and Techniques: Tensile, bend, shear, compression and flexural, impact: Charpy or Izod, hardness: Rockwell, Brinell, micro and portables, proof load, ring flattening, chemical testing: alloy identification, metals composition: ferrous andnonferrous alloys, scales anddeposit analysis, SEMwith light element EDS capability, field PMI, metallur- gical and special testing: coating testing, electronmicros- copy, corrosion evaluation, heat treat analysis: grain size, fracture mode analysis, simulated, environment, ferrite determination, wet and dry fluorescent magnetic particle testing, thickness gauging, and liquid penetrant (visible and fluorescent). 13TH ANNUAL FIB SEMMEETING Nicholas Antoniou, PrimeNano Due to the pandemic, the FIB-SEM annual meeting in 2020 was canceled, but this year a well-attended and successful virtual meeting was held on April 29, 2021. About 200 unique participants were in attendance with a big international presence that may have not been possible at a live in-person meeting. The organizers planned a rich program with five invited talks, 14 talks, and four “lightning” talks that replaced poster sessions. Presentations on all FIB-related topics such as new and novel application areas for FIB, multi-modal approaches involving FIB, advances in FIB, FIB sources, FIB-related instrumentation and techniques, as well as image and data processing techniques for FIB data created a very full and informative program. However, the regulars sorely missed the sidebar discussions and happy hour event that followed the meetings in the past. The meeting was jointly hosted by the FIB SEM User Group and the Canadian Centre for Electron Microscopy (CCEM), McMaster University. FIB SEM 2022 will be on May 4-5 at the Kossiakoff Center at APL, Laurel, Md. Please mark your cal- endar. For more information, visit or contact . FIB SEMWRAP UP