Aug_EDFA_Digital 39 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO . 3 ARE YOU THE NEXT SCORSESE... OF FAILURE ANALYSIS? We hope so! Submit your three-minute (or less) video about an exciting result or a scintillating artifact – anything goes, as long as it relates to Failure Analysis! Your FA Community will judge them and recognize winners at this year’s ISTFA during the Social Event. Show off your filmmaking skills and FA prowess! WHO SHOULD SUBMIT? FAILURE ANALYSTS: Anyone working in the Failure Analysis field. STUDENTS: Students currently studying in fields related to Failure Analysis (Physics, Electrical Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science, etc.). DISCOUNTS & PRIZES DISCOUNTS: Main author of qualified entries gets 15% discount during registration (to receive the video discount, please register as a presenter). PRIZES: 1st Prize: $150 gift card + plaque 2nd Prize: $100 gift card + award 3rd prize: $50 gift card + award WINNING CRITERIA: Videos will be judged on creativity, originality, message, production quality, and overall presentation. WINNERS SELECTION: Winners will be selected during the conference. Must be registered for ISTFA 2021 and attend to be eligible to participate. Strictly one entry per participant. Official ballots will be available listing the titles of each entr y . Name and affiliations of the voters will be required. WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENTS: Winners will be announced two weeks after the conference, winning participants will be informed by emails, and the winning videos will be posted on the ASM and EDFAS websites two weeks after the conference. CELEBRATION: Awards for this year’s winners will be handed out during the ISTFA 2022 EDFAS membershipmeeting. VIDEO REVIEW: The video entries will be reviewed as they get submitted through the deadline (Oct. 8, 2021). The video must be three minutes or less. It must be an original work and must contain only authorized content—including music, images, film clips, and other intellectual or copyrighted property. FA VIDEO CONTEST ORGANIZED BY: OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 4, 2021 | PHOENIX, ARIZONA, USA | PHOENIX CONVENTION CENTER
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