Aug_EDFA_Digital ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO . 3 36 all at one time and to gather information for the next gen- eration tools on your wish list. We are happy to announce that more than 50 exhibitors have signed up for the expo this year after we start to emerge from this ongoing pan- demic. Wewill keep youupdatedon the status of the ISTFA Expo as well as the return of the highly anticipated Tool Tour in the coming months. Dr. Keith Serrels from NXP Semiconductors, chair of the FA Technology Roadmap Committee, will give a special talk during the opening ceremony about the new Roadmap council structure. He will also share how our industry’s critical challenges will be identified, expanded, and distributed. This year, the Roadmap Committee will integrate Roadmap elements into both the panel discus- sion and user group sessions so our entire FA community can start to formdedicateddiscussions arounddeveloping a clear FA Technology Roadmap for the years to come. After a successful online ISTFAWorkshop in 2020, I am looking forward to seeing you in person at ISTFA this year where we can reconnect with each other to advance our knowledge learning, informationsharing, andprofessional growth. Many new safety protocols will be in place for your comfort and protection. Please check the ISTFA 2021 website for the most up-to-date information on the coming ISTFA events. Hyatt Regency Phoenix, the conference hotel. ISTFA 2021 TECHNICAL SESSIONS Symposium sessions will be packed with high quality, innovative, and original unpublished pre- sentations in two tracks: • Emerging FA Techniques • System-in-Package and 3D Devices • AI Applications for FA • Die Level Fault Isolation • Package Level Fault Isolation • Nanoprobing and Electrical Characterization • Scanning Probe Analysis • Sample Preparation and Device Deprocessing • FIB Sample Preparation • FIB Circuit Analysis and Edit • Microscopy and Materials Characterization • Packaging and Assembly • Board and System Level FA • Case Studies: Device Analysis • Case Studies: FA Process • Hardware Attacks, Security, and Reverse Engineering • Detecting and Preventing Counterfeit Microelectronics • Product Yield, Test, and Diagnosis Advertise in Electronic Device Failure Analysis magazine! For information about advertising in Electronic Device Failure Analysis: Kelly Johanns, Business Development Manager 440.318.4702, Current rate card may be viewed online at
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