Aug_EDFA_Digital 35 ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO . 3 and challenges, SIP in advanceddriver-assistance systems (ADAS), electrostatic discharge (ESD) in SIP, and wafer- level chip scale packaging (WLCSP) for SIP devices. Distinguished field experts are invited tobe on the panel to share their viewpoints and solutions based on their broad work experiences and diverse backgrounds, hopefully inspiring an engaged conversation among the panelists and the audience. There is no doubt that the core of the ISTFA confer- ence is the technical program, and this year we will have 18 technical oral presentation and poster sessions. As in previous years, the fault isolation session received the most paper submissions, and this year we will split the fault isolation session into two separate sessions with particular focus on die level and package level fault iso- lation, respectively. We will also have three new sessions featuredwith SIP, 3D packaging, and artificial intelligence (AI) topics. For the tutorial program, we will continue to have about 20 tutorial presentations and five education short courses. The majority of tutorial presentations will be on Sunday, October 31 in three tracks. The education short courses, which will provide much more detailed learning on selected topics, will start on Saturday, October 30, before the main conference events kick off. Each year at ISTFA, the events with the most partici- pation are the user group discussions. The goal of these two-hour user group discussions is to provide those that are involved in these areas of technology (or even those with just a passing interest!) an opportunity to share information and discover avenues for future collabora- tion. It’s an open forum filled with mini-presentations, floor-initiated topics, and a robust interchange of ideas. Come with your questions, complaints, suggestions, tips and tricks, and the like. Share what you know, enquire about something new, challenge the status quo. While the organizers provide an initial framework to get the discus- sion going, this is very much YOUR event. There will be four sessions this year covering FIB, sample preparation, nanoprobing and contactless probing, and 3D system- on-package failure analysis. Also, following its successful introduction in the past two years, Women in Electronics Failure Analysis (WEFA) will hold another panel discussion this year. The ISTFA Expo is another reason for many people to attend the ISTFA conference in person. It’s the perfect place for vendors to showcase the latest development on their tools and techniques; for the tool users, it creates an ideal environment tomeet their suppliers and other users A stroll through downtown Phoenix area.