Aug_EDFA_Digital ELECTRONIC DEV ICE FA I LURE ANALYSIS | VOLUME 23 NO . 3 12 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thankDr. Bachhuber fromTheMathWorks for his personal support. The authors also want to acknowledge the XFAB support. The Cadences licenses were thankfully provided by Europractice. REFERENCES 1. R. Schreier: Delta Sigma Toolbox, , 2020, https:// toolbox. {Accessed on 2021-05-03}. 2. J.M. de la Rosa: “SIMSIDES: A Time-Domain Behavioral Simulator for Sigma-DeltaModulators inMATLAB/SIMULINK,” 2020, http://www2. {Accessed on 2021-05-03}. 3. J.M. de la Rosa and R. del Río: CMOS Sigma-Delta Converters, University of Seville, Wiley, 2013. 4. F. Medeiro, B. Pérez-Verdú, and A. Rodríguez-Vázquez: Top-Down Design of High-Performance Sigma-Delta Modulators, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. 5. R. del Río, et al.: CMOS Cascade Σ∆ Modulators for Sensors and Telecom: Error Analysis and Practical Design, Springer, 2006. 6. R.J. Baker: CMOS Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation, IEEE, 2010. 7. Cadence, CosimulationwithSpectreRF andMATLAB/Simulink, Rapid AdoptionKit (RAK), Product Version: IC6.1.8 ISR4, SPECTRE 18.1 ISR7, MATLAB R2018a, July 2019. ABOUT THE AUTHORS Mathias Heitauer has studied mechatronics at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim, Germany since 2014. He graduated on the design and verification of a switched capaci- tor sigma-delta modulator with the co-simulation of MATLAB/Simulink and Cadence in 2020. He is currently working for BSH Hausgeräte GmbH as a system engineer in Traunreut. MartinVersen studied physics at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany and received his Ph.D. in 2000 in electrical engineering for hiswork on single electron devices based on InAs quantumdots. He joined Infineon in 2000 as product and test engineer in Munich for root cause analysis of application fails in the com- moditymemory department. Since 2009, he has been teachingmeasurement and test techniques and microcontrollers as a professor at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim, Germany. FEBRUARY COVER REVISITED The February 2021 cover of EDFA magazine featured one of the 2020 EDFAS photo contest entries. The image was artistically altered by the magazine design team for publication purposes. Here, for our readers’ enjoyment, we display the complete image with the entire caption. Composition map of a photoresist particle caught between Al metal lines and subsequently experiencing pyrolysis that had induced densification and graphitiza- tion (of the particle) catalyzedby themetals in the ensuing wafer processing and reliability testing. Significant sp3-to-sp2 conversion took place, causing leakage that was absent before the reliability testing. WentaoQin, ONSemi, FalseColor, 2020EDFASPhotoContest
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