45 ASM NEWS The latest news about ASM members, chapters, events, awards, conferences, affiliates, and other Society activities. RELATING PROCESS ANOMALIES FROM LASER POWDER BED FUSION OF Ni282 TO CREEP DEFORMATION Holden Hyer, Amanda Heimbrook, Rahul Franklin, Amir Ziabari, and Sebastien Dryepondt This examination of the spatter particle process in a nickel superalloy using x-ray computed tomography and optical microscopy studies possible causes for the formation of lack of fusion voids and other variations during laser powder bed fusion. 11 ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | MARCH 2025 2 Additive manufacturing includes advanced methods such as laser powder bed fusion. Image AI enhanced. Courtesy of Dreamstime. On the Cover: 60 3D PRINTSHOP A look at a coin-sized photonic chip 3D printer and a cement material with high structural viability. METALS/POLYMERS/ CERAMICS Researchers are investigating cordierite’s properties, editing plastic waste to generate new polymers with improved attributes, and creating smart fabric that heats up when exposed to the sun. 6