HIGHLIGHTS ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | MARCH 2025 51 2025 ASM Student Paper Contest Winner receives a $500 cash prize and up to $500 toward expenses to attend IMAT. Deadline April 1. Qualifications: • Entrant must be a Material Advantage member in good standing and enrolled as a student at a school or university offering courses in the field of materials science or engineering. • All entries must be submitted to ASM Headquarters no later than April 1. All entrants will be advised of the status of their submission (including the author selected to receive the award) by July 1 of the year preceding presentation of the award. ASM is seeking nominations for the 2025 and 2026 contest. • For multi-author papers, the student must be the first author. • At the time of submission, the paper must be published or accepted for publication in an ASM-owned or co-owned journal (such as Metallurgical and Materials Transactions). Visit the ASM website at asminternational.org/about- asm/awards for complete sample form, rules, and past recipients. ASM ESTABLISHES NEW AWARD ASM Outstanding Graduate Scholar Award Deadline April 15 The ASM Outstanding Graduate Scholar Award is open to all graduate students (U.S. and international) and is intended to recognize and encourage graduate student participation in ASM activities. The honor will be awarded to graduate students who have shown outstanding scholarly performance in the field of metallurgy/materials science and engineering and related careers. Selection criteria include: • Must be a U.S. or international graduate student who is an ASM member or Material Advantage member in good standing. • Demonstration of a strong academic course selection and interest in materials science. • Must have completed at least one year of graduate school and have a current GPA of 3.5 or higher. Current transcript required with application. • Award will be presented at the ASM Leadership Awards Luncheon at IMAT and will consist of a certificate and cash prize of $1000 as well as up to $800 reimbursement toward travel expenses. Visit asminternational.org/about-asm/awards/ for rules and sample nomination form. To submit a nomination, contact christine.hoover@asminternational.org for a unique nomination form link. Engineering Materials Achievement Award Deadline March 15 This award recognizes an outstanding achievement in materials or materials systems related to the application of knowledge of materials to an engineering structure or to the design and manufacture of a product. Do you know of an innovative, cutting-edge scientific achievement that has distinctly impacted industry, technology, and society within the past 10 years? If so, consider submitting a nomination for the 2025 award. View sample forms, contest rules, and past recipients at asminternational.org/about-asm/awards. To submit a nomination, contact christine.hoover@asminternational.org for a unique nomination form link. Canada Council Award Nominations Deadline April 30 ASM’s Canada Council is seeking nominations for its 2025 awards program. These prestigious awards include: G. MacDonald Young Award—The ASM Canada Council established this award in 1988 to recognize distinguished and significant contributions by an ASM member in Canada. AWARDS DEADLINES Kingsley Amatanweze, a Ph.D. student at Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, was the 2024 ASM Student Paper Contest winner. 2025 Bradley Stoughton Award for Early Career Teachers Deadline March 15 Updated rules to remove age restriction* Winner receives $3000. This award recognizes excellence in early career teachers in the field of materials science, materials engineering, design, and processing. Do you know a colleague who: • Is a teacher of materials science, materials engineering, design, or processing • Has the ability to impart knowledge and enthusiasm to students • *Candidates must have not more than 10 years of teaching experience at the time of nomination. • Is an ASM member Visit the form, rules, and past recipients at asminter- national.org/about-asm/awards. To nominate someone, contact christine.hoover@asminternational.org for a unique nomination link.