AMP 02 March 2025

HIGHLIGHTS ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | MARCH 2025 49 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Building Success in 2025 and Beyond As we move into March, I hope the new year is off to a great start for all of you. This is a time to build upon our successes, refine our strategies, and continue advancing ASM’s mission together. A major highlight this month is the positive financial outlook for ASM. After operating in the red for the past few years, I am pleased to report that the 2025 budget is nearly green. This marks a critical milestone in ASM’s journey toward long-term financial stability. Key to this achievement has been a strategic review of our expenditures, particularly in information technology (IT) spending, which had been excessive. We have restructured IT investments to enhance efficiency, ensuring our digital infrastructure remains strong while keeping costs in check. To optimize engagement and participation, ASM’s events have been restructured to focus on two primary meetings: • The ASM Spring Meeting will take place from May 5–8 in Vancouver, Canada, featuring AeroMat, the International Thermal Spray Conference, and the Quenching & Distortion Engineering Conference. So far, nearly 100 expo booths have been confirmed, creating an engaging environment for technical discussions and professional networking. • The ASM Fall Meeting will be held from October 20–23 in Detroit, alongside International Materials, Applications & Technologies (IMAT, ASM’s annual meeting), Heat Treat, and the International Conference on Residual Stresses. So far, over 300 expo booths have been confirmed, ensuring a vibrant technical and networking experience. If you are interested in organizing a symposium or session at these meetings, we encourage you to reach out via We welcome your contributions in strengthening the technical program. Also, our education courses had an excellent performance in January 2025. If you are looking to enhance your skills or upskill your teams, please consider registering for one of our upcoming courses at education. Additionally, applications for volunteer positions within ASM are now open. This is an excellent opportunity to contribute your expertise and leadership to ASM’s initiatives. Important deadlines and details on how to apply are provided on the next page and on page 52. The President’s Task Forces continue to make strong progress. The initial draft reports look promising and teams are now preparing their presentations to the Board, which are scheduled for mid-March. These recommendations will play a pivotal role in guiding ASM’s strategic direction. We have also started work on the 2025–2030 Strategic Plan, which is being led by Senior Vice President Dr. Elizabeth Hoffman, FASM. Meetings are being scheduled with the various committees and councils to gather their input in shaping the future of the organization. This effort includes hands-on participation by our Affiliate Societies, ensuring a broad and inclusive strategy that aligns with ASM’s vision. With these strategic changes, ASM is positioned for greater success in 2025 and beyond. Thank you for your continued dedication and support as we work together to strengthen our Society and drive innovation in materials science and engineering. I look forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming events and working alongside you in the months ahead. Let us make 2025 a year of progress and impact working together as ONE team! ASM President Navin Manjooran, FASM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CORNER Leaders Play Essential Role in Society’s Governance In this issue, we are pleased to introduce the chair and members of the Nominating Committee, who will begin the crucial task of selecting three new members for the Board of Trustees, as well as the next vice president of our Society. The vice president will serve a four-year term, advancing through the roles of VP, executive VP, president, and ultimately, immediate past president. Appointed trustees serve a three-year term. The Board of Trustees plays an essential role in the governance of our Society. Trustees oversee management, strategic planning, and financial stability, ensuring that the board’s short and long-term goals are aligned with our mission and vision. The board is responsible for guiding the Society toward continued success and works closely with LEADERSHIP COLUMNS Manjooran Becker