AMP 02 March 2025

HIGHLIGHTS ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | MARCH 2025 48 Andrew Kitahara, materials engineer staff, Analytical Mechanics Associates, serves as chair of the IMS Annual Meeting/Events Committee. Ellen Rabenberg, AST aerospace metallic materials, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, continues to serve as chair of the IMS International Metallographic Contest Committee. Dana Drake, senior lab engineer - metals, EOS North America, continues to serve as chair of the IMS Micrograph Database Committee. Chris Bagnall, FASM, retired, MCS Associates Inc., continues to serve as chair of the IMS Sorby Award Committee. Joseph Sabol, consultant, Alcoa, continues to serve as chair of the IMS Education Subcommittee. Fatima Paola Soto, Instituto Tecnológico de Morelia, serves as chair of the IMS Membership Subcommittee. Thermal Spray Society (TSS) Andrew Ang, associate professor, Swinburne University of Technology School of Engineering, serves as president of TSS. Komal Laul, senior principal engineer, Delta Air Lines, serves as vice president of TSS and chair of the TSS Program Committee. Rogerio Lima, FASM, senior research officer, National Research Council of Canada, serves as immediate past president and chair of the TSS Awards & Nominations Committee. Robert Miller, materials engineering consultant, R.A. Miller Materials Engineering, continues to serve as chair of the TSS Accepted Practices Committee. Deborah Curtis, production controller, Hannecard Roller Coatings Inc., continues as chair of the TSS Membership, Marketing & Outreach Subcommittee. Bertrand Jodoin, FASM, professor, University of Ottawa, continues to serve as chair of the TSS Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Committee. Fardad Azarmi, professor of mechanical engineering, North Dakota State University, continues as chair of the TSS Training Committee. Shari Fowler-Hutchinson, product/sales development manager, Saint-Gobain, continues to serve as chair of the TSS Exposition Subcommittee. If you are interested in serving on an Affiliate Society committee, please contact the respective committee chair directly, or email Drake Sabol Kitahara Rabenberg Bagnall Soto Ang Laul Lima Miller Curtis Jodoin Azarmi Fowler-Hutchinson AFFILIATE COMMITTEE CHAIRS