AMP 02 March 2025

In This Issue 43 President Collins Appoints Council Chairs 45 Board Nominations 46 Student Board Member Applications 47 Members in the News 50 Chapter News ASMNEWS ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | MARCH 2025 Submit news of ASM and its members, chapters, and affiliate societies to Joanne Miller, editor, ASM News | ASM International 9639 Kinsman Road | Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5455 | F 440.338.4634 | E Contact ASM International at 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5151 or 800.336.5152 (toll free in U.S. and Canada) | F 440.338.4634 | E | W ASMNEWS 45 45 Schmidt Chairs Nominating Committee 46 Affiliate Societies Name Committee Chairs 49 From the President’s Desk 54 Emerging Professionals 55 Chapters in the News SCHMIDT TO CHAIR 2025 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Members of the 2025 Nominating Committee have been selected and ASM Past President Dr. Frederick Schmidt, FASM, director of technology, Advanced Applied Services, was elected to serve as chair by the ASM Board of Trustees. Schmidt has been a member of ASM International for over 60 years, joining as a student at Drexel University where he received a B.S. in metallurgical engineering, M.S. in materials science, and Ph.D. He served as ASM president in 2018 and as trustee from 2005-2007. He also served on the ASM Materials Education Foundation Board as trustee from 2007-2010 and 2017-2019, taught ASM education courses, and served on numerous ASM committees including the Finance Committee and Handbook Committee. Schmidt is a Distinguished Life Member and Fellow of Alpha Sigma Mu serving as president from 2010-2016. His career focus was on manufacturing processes, development, quality control, and materials design working for Packer Engineering, Remington Arms Company, and E.I. du Pont de Nemours. He received the Allan Ray Putnam Service Award, the Albert Sauveur Achievement Award, and the William Hunt Eisenman Award. Schmidt also received the George H. Bodeen Heat Treating Society Achievement Award, the Anthony J. Drexel Award, and the Alumni Service to The Profession recognition. Schmidt is a registered Professional Engineer in eight states and is a member of the ASM Milwaukee Chapter. ASM Officers Appoint Members In accordance with the ASM International Constitution, ASM president Dr. Navin Manjooran, FASM, senior vice president Dr. Elizabeth Hoffman, FASM, vice president Dr. Daniel Dennies, FASM, and immediate past president Mr. Pradeep Goyal, FASM, appointed nine members to the Nominating Committee from among candidates proposed by chapters, committees, councils, and ASM Affiliate Society boards. This year, the committee is responsible for selecting a nominee for vice president-trustee (one-year term) and for nominating three trustees (three-year terms). Members do not select a candidate for president of the Society, because Article IV, Section 8c of the Constitution states that the office of president shall be filled for a period of one year by succession of the senior vice president. The 2025 Nominating Committee’s nominee for vice president will serve as ASM’s president 2027-2028. 2025 Nominating Committee Members Include: Mr. Johnathon Brehm, R&D laboratory support technologist, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, (nominated by the International Metallographic Society); Mr. Carlos Carrasco, sales manager, Carrasco & Asociados, Mexico City, (nominated by the Mexico Chapter); Dr. Francesco Delloro, Centre des Matériaux, MINES Paris, Paris, Évry cedex, France, (nominated by the Thermal Spray Society); Dr. Robert Freed, FASM, associate director, Materials Technology Institute, West Chester, Pennsylvania, (nominated by the Brandywine Valley Chapter); Dr. Manish Mehta, FASM, president, M-Tech International LLC, Ann Arbor, Michigan, (nominated by the Detroit Chapter); Dr. Lee Rothleutner, manager, materials research & development, The Timken Co., Massillon, Ohio, (nominated by the Heat Treating Society); Dr. John Shingledecker, FASM, principal technical executive, Electric Power Research Institute, Charlotte, North Carolina, (nominated by the Awards Policy Committee); Dr. Dheepa Srinivasan, FASM, dean, research and innovation, MS Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore, India, (nominated by the Bangalore Chapter); and Dr. Véronique Vitry, professor, UMONS (University of Mons), Belgium, (nominated by the IDEA Committee). The Nominating Committee will meet on April 8 and its recommended slate of officers will be published in the May/ June issue of ASM News. ASMNEWS Schmidt