AMP 02 March 2025

ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | MARCH 2025 41 SMST NEWS and SMJ HIGHLIGHTS Shape Memory and Superelasticity: Advances in Science and Technology (SMJ) is the official journal of the International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (SMST), an affiliate society of ASM International. The journal publishes original peer-reviewed papers that focus on shape memory materials research with contributions from materials science, experimental and theoretical mechanics, physics with cognizance of the chemistry, underlying phases, and crystallography. It also provides a forum for researchers, scientists, and engineers of varied disciplines to access information about shape memory materials. Both articles were taken from our September 2024 issue. The second and third are taken from the December 2024 issue. They were selected by Shape Memory Editor-in-Chief Huseyin Sehitoglu. SMJ is available through For more information, visit September 2024 TOWARDS A FRACTURE MECHANICS-BASED ASSESSMENT FOR FATIGUE LIFE PREDICTION OF Ni–‑Ti STENTS Alma Brambilla, Francesca Berti, Luca Patriarca, and Lorenza Petrini The fatigue failure of Ni–Ti peripheral stents still represent an open issue of major concern due to the non- linear material behavior, the complex loads acting in vivo, and the manufacturing process. The fatigue assessment currently exploits total-life methodologies devoted to preventing crack nucleation. This work investigates a complementary fracture mechanics-based approach accounting for crack propagation from pre-existing manufacturing defects. Fatigue crack growth tests were performed on rolled Ni–Ti samples with a thickness and microstructure com- parable to that of stents. A fracture mechanics-based assessment was implemented to predict the fatigue durability of surrogate samples tested at different mean and alternate strains. The fracture surfaces of the samples were inspected to determine a statistical distribution of defect size at the fracture origin. The cyclic J-integral was adopted as the crack driving force parameter, and it allowed to account for 1 1 SMST SEEKS BOARD NOMINATIONS The International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (SMST) is seeking nominations for five directors who serve a three-term. Terms begin October 1, 2025. Any member of SMST in good standing is encouraged to nominate themselves or another member for one of these positions. The incumbents may also seek reappointment by notifying the Awards and Nominations Committee Chair, Othmane Benafan. Nominations are due March 1. For information on eligibility and how to submit a nomination, visit or contact Mary Anne Jerson at SEEKING APPLICATIONS FOR SMST STUDENT BOARD MEMBERS SMST is seeking applicants for its student board member positions. Students must be a registered undergraduate or graduate during the 2025-2026 academic year and must be studying or involved in research in an area closely related to shape memory and superelastic technologies. Applications are due by April 1. For information on eligibility and benefits as well as the application form, visit or contact Mary Anne Jerson at the complex response of the material, undergoing energy dissipations during phase transformation. Encouraging fatigue life predictions conforming to experimental data were obtained in the finite- life regime, whereas conservative estimates were computed below the fatigue threshold. This approach can be reverted to determine the maximum acceptable material defects for specific applications, providing a use- ful tool to manufacturing companies (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 — Experimental set-up adopted for performing static and fatigue tests on multi-wire samples.