ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | MARCH 2025 24 generated by onsite mini atomizers that self-supply those sustainable powdered alloys. In either case, the business model for the circular metal economy lowers effective costs, increases speed and reliability of supplies, and dramatically reduces carbon and energy use. Previously discarded metal alloy scrap transfers from waste bins to plasma-assisted furnace—and certified ASTM/AMS-spec powder is then ready for AM components production. Fig. 4 — An advanced plasma-assisted atomization system (background) showing the piping (foreground) that provides sustainably generated gases used to fuel the technology. Here is an example of how this might work for a hypothetical gasturbine manufacturer that discards significant quantities of machining chips and failed components: • A scrap-to-powder program focused on just three alloys (Haynes and two Inconels) saves on average more than $250,000 a year—totaling some $1.35M over five years in alloy costs. • Scrap-sales credit (instead of buying at market rates) of $30,000 annually. • Product carbon footprint reduction of more than 99% Kg Co2 eq. • State and federal tax and incentives enable further savings. • Carbon credits can be applied (filing expected to start in July 2025). • Achieve corporate goal of reduction of waste-to-landfill 50% by 2025 and toward zero by 2030. • Reduce supply chain risks, from remote and foreign mineral mining to final powder purchasing. • Support for customers and suppliers who are on their own paths to continuous reduction of emissions. Figures like these, scaled up or down to an individual manufacturer’s size and requirements, make a compelling case for the use of advanced, single-step plasma-assisted gas atomizers for metal powder production. Quality, effective cost, and speed are the pillars of manufacturing. Powder-based metal manufacturing can now add further sustainability and supply chain security to that core list. ~AM&P For more information: Sunil Badwe, vice president of R&D, Continuum Powders, 14406 Wagg Way Rd., Houston, TX 77041,, Simplify Your Search for Vendors Find the right solutions for your business. Search for products, research companies, connect with suppliers, and make confident purchasing decisions all in one place.