ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 32 Education (AAEE2015), School of En- gineering, Deakin University, p 1-10, 2015. 2. M. Hynes et al., Infusing Engineering Design into High School STEM Courses, 2011. 3. M.A. Francek and J.D. Winstanley, Using Food to Demonstrate Earth Science Concepts: A Review, Journal of Geoscience Education, 52(2), p 154-160, 2004. 4. L. Severa, Deformation and Fracture Properties of Dark Chocolate, Acta Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun, 56(2), p 115-121, 2008. 5. H. Zhao, B. Li, and B.J. James, Structure-fracture Relationships in Chocolate Systems, LWT, 96, p 281-287, 2018. 6. F.K. Chiang, et al., The Influence of Online STEM Education Camps on Students’ Self-efficacy, Computational Thinking, and Task Value, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 31(4), p 461-472, 2022. 7. C.L. Dym, et al., Engineering Design Thinking, Teaching, and Learning, Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), p 104-120, 2005. 8. E.M. Mueller, R. Eckert, A. Boesenberg, et al., Failure Analysis of a Fractured Stick End Casting: An ASM Materials Camp Investigation, J Fail. Anal. and Preven., 20, p 1825–1831, 2020, 10.1007/s11668-020-01020-7. 9. B. Oakley, Turning Student Groups into Effective Teams, Journal of Student Centered Learning, 2(1), p 9-34, 2004. 10. E. Smith and P. White, Moving Along the STEM Pipeline? The Longterm Employment Patterns of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Graduates in the United Kingdom, Research Papers in Education, 37(4), p 457-478, 2015. 11. A. VanMeter-Adams, et al., Students Who Demonstrate Strong Talent and Interest in STEM are Initially Attracted to STEM through Extracurricular Experiences, CBE—Life Sciences Education, 13(4), p 687-697, 2014. ASM MATERIALS CAMP FOR TEACHERS 2023 HIGHLIGHT In addition to camps for students, the ASM Foundation provides hands-on lab and experiment ideas to high school science, technology, and math educators in the form of teachers’ camps. A highlight of the 2023 summer season was a Materials Camp for Teachers supported by Apple Inc. The company hosted the camp in their development facility in Santa Clara under the direction of Apple senior director – materials engineering, James Yurko, FASM. The teachers who attended had the opportunity to see the camp content in action through the work being done at the facility. At least twenty Apple materials engineers worked hard to connect their work to the curriculum and provide enrichment throughout the week. The ASM Master Teachers for this Materials Camp shared their thoughts: The ASM Materials Camp sponsored and hosted by Apple provided a truly unique opportunity for teachers to learn materials science content while surrounded by Apple’s top-notch engineers. They showed us cutting edge equipment, shared expertise in a variety of fields, and offered additional labs we could take back to our classrooms. Every Apple employee we interacted with was so excited to share their expertise. It meant a great deal to the teachers to have so many experts take the time to improve our understanding of materials science and give us information to take back to our classes. Todd Bolenbaugh The Apple team worked with us prior to the camp to understand the curriculum and to share how those principles are used by the materials engineers at Apple. The Materials Camp had added interest by exposure to the engineers in their work environments and getting their explanations of their work. The Apple team treated us with a great deal of respect; all the teachers felt like royalty. Pam Gilbert-Smith The ASM Foundation is grateful for the high level of involvement that the Apple materials team had with the program, giving much of their time to create an outstanding experience for the teachers. Teachers camp group at Apple headquarters. Teachers work in the lab during the Materials Camp at Apple.