AMP 08 November-December 2023

HIGHLIGHTS ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2023 42 NRC Landmark Unveiling The National Research Council Canada (NRC) celebrated its designation as an ASM Historical Landmark. The plaque dedication was held at the NRC-Sussex Drive Laboratories on August 16, in Ottawa, Ontario. In attendance for the unveiling of a plaque designating 100 Sussex as an historical landmark were: Iain Stewart, NRC president; Priti Wanjara, FASM, principal research officer, NRC Aerospace and former ASM trustee; William Wallace, FASM, former director general, NRC Aerospace; Linruo Zhao, FASM, retired principal research officer, NRC Aerospace and former chair, ASM Canada Council; Qi Yang, senior research officer, NRC Aerospace and chair, ASM Ottawa Valley Chapter; Javad Gholipour, senior research officer, NRC Aerospace and chair, ASM Montreal Chapter; Ibrahim Yimer, vice president, NRC Transportation and Manufacturing; Mouhab Meshreki, director general, NRC Aerospace; and Richard Kearsey, director, Aerospace Structures, Materials and Performance Laboratory, to name a few. After the unveiling, the ASM Historical Landmark plaque was installed at its permanent location in the main hallway on the ground floor, close to the main entrance of the NRC-Sussex Drive Laboratories building. FROM THE FOUNDATION Making a Material Difference The ASM Materials Education Foundation has been busy! We enjoyed being part of the successful IMAT conference in Detroit and all of the important meetings and networking opportunities it brings. We were thrilled to host “Ignite the Night” and launch our donor campaign, Making a Material Difference. It was a special evening that blended materials science with campfire delights through delicious, themed food and drinks. Guests also had the opportunity to participate in camp crafts that double as our Materials Camp labs. In the world of materials science and engineering, we are seeing the positive impact our programs have on teachers and students. Since launching our ASM Materials Camps for K-12 Teachers and Students in 2000, we have served nearly 18,000 students directly, and hundreds of thousands more by training over 12,500 teachers on how to deliver materials science and engineering concepts in their classrooms. On top of that, we have awarded $2,458,086 in undergraduate scholarships. Making a Material Difference builds on the ASM Foundation’s successes and will broaden the reach of the Foundation to serve even more teachers and students, and deepen connections with all of those we serve. I remain grateful for the amazing board members, volunteers, and master teachers who make all of this work not only possible, but truly successful. Please let us know if you’d like to join in with your support. Thank you. Carrie Wilson Executive Director ASM Materials Education Foundation Dignitaries gather around the ASM Historical Landmark plaque at NRC. Mouhab Meshreki, Ibrahim Yimer, Priti Wanjara, William Wallace and Richard Kearsey at the plaque’s permanent location. Wilson Master teacher Todd Bolenbaugh (center) is among the crowd at the donor campaign launch in Detroit. FROM THE FOUNDATION