ASMNEWS ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2023 38 In This Issue Submit news of ASM and its members, chapters, and affiliate societies to Joanne Miller, editor, ASM News | ASM International 9639 Kinsman Road | Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5455 | F 440.338.4634 | E Contact ASM International at 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5151 ext. 0 or 800.336.5152 (toll free in U.S. and Canada) | F 440.338.4634 | E | W ASMNEWS 38 Officers and Board Members 41 Award Nominations 42 From the Foundation 44 IMAT Photo Gallery 49 In Memoriam ASM Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society EDFAS president, Felix Beaudoin, FASM, PMTS yield engineer, GlobalFoundries, and vice president, Renee Parente, technology & product engineering operations director, AMD, welcome new member, Phil Kaszuba, FASM, senior member technical staff, GlobalFoundries (retired), for a three-year term. James Colvin, CEO, FA Instruments, and Rosalinda Ring, FA application engineer, Thermo Fisher Scientific, have been reappointed for a three-year term. Ho Lun Chan, Ph.D. student, University of Virginia, is appointed as a student board member for a one-year term. ASM Failure Analysis Society Brett Miller, FASM, technical director, IMR Test Labs, Louisville, succeeds as president of FAS, while Andrew (Tony) Havics, director, pH2 LLC, remains on the board as immediate past president. Margaret Flury, principal materials engineer, Medtronic, is appointed vice president and Joseph Lemberg, senior managing engineer, Exponent, is appointed secretary. Officers serve a one-year term. Adam Boesenberg, senior materials engineer, Danfoss Power Solutions, and Veronique Vitry, professor, UMONS, Belgium, are appointed as new members to the FAS board for a three-year term. Natalie Martin, materials analyst, SEA Ltd., is appointed as an emerging professional board member for a one-year term. Frida Ponce de Leion, materials engineering student, Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia, Mexico, is appointed as a student board member for a one-year term. ASM Heat Treating Society Benjamin Bernard, VP international sales, Surface Combustion Inc., succeeds as president of HTS, while Lesley Frame, professor, University of Connecticut, remains on the board as immediate past president. Chuck Faulkner, commercial development manager - Heat Treatment, Quaker Houghton, is appointed vice president and Steven Ferdon, director engineering technology, Cummins ASM Affiliate Societies Announce New Officers and Board Members In accordance with their Rules of Governance, the ASM Affiliate Societies have completed their elections for officers and board members for 2023. Please join us in welcoming the following appointments. Flury Lemberg Boesenberg Vitry Martin Ponce de Leion Bernard Frame Beaudoin Parente Kaszuba Colvin Ring Lun Chan Miller Havics