HIGHLIGHTS ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | JULY/AUGUST 2023 69 MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Singh David founding head of the school of materials science and engineering. He obtained his Sc.D. degree in Ceramics from M.I.T. He worked at Argonne National Laboratory, GE-R&D Center, and the University of Cincinnati prior to his current position. Singh is a world expert on ceramic matrix composites and has demonstrated an innate ability to invent new materials and their novel processing. Singh has received many awards including ASM’s Albert Sauveur Award. David Honored in Japan Stan A. David, FASM, retired scientist and Corporate Fellow Emeritus at the DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), was awarded the Joining and Welding Science Award from the Joining and Welding Research Institute at Osaka University, Japan. The award “commends researchers who have contributed internationally outstanding achievements in the science of joining and welding, and who have contributed significantly to the development of joining and welding science.” David is the founding member and editor-in-chief of the journal Science and Technology of Welding and Joining. He has contributed extensively to welding science and technology and advocates for welding to be recognized as a science. He also served as the task leader of the DOE Basic Energy Sciences Welding Science Program at ORNL for 25 years. Shipilov Earns AMPP Award Sergei Shipilov, FASM, president of FIRST-M Consulting Ltd., Toronto, received the 2023 Oladis Troconis de Rincón Field Applied Technology Award from the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP). He was recognized “for achievements in applying engineering and scientific principles to protecting and preserving the U.S. Army’s double V-hull (DVH) Stryker combat vehicles.” Stryker’s DVH was created in 2011 in response to high landmine-related casualties in Afghanistan and Iraq to replace flat-bottom Strykers, which were deemed unsafe. The DVH was expected to provide enhanced protection. However, the DVH vehicles experienced structural cracking on the lower-right fender, putting lives at risk. In 2016, Shipilov determined the cracking mechanism and proposed an inexpensive solution. In 2019-2020, contracts for C$3 billion and $2.5 billion were placed to supply the Canadian and U.S. Armies with hundreds of light armored combat vehicles built on the improved platform. This allowed Canada and the U.S. to send 39 and 90 vehicles, respectively, to Ukraine through early 2023. IN MEMORIAM Paiboon “Pai” Tangyunyong, 65, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, passed away on May 6. In 1992, he joined Sandia National Laboratories, where he completed his post-doctoral research in surface science before joining Sandia’s Failure Analysis Department in 1994. Tangyunyong’s impact on the failure analysis (FA) community was represented in his numerous publications, patents, and awards. His FA work included scanning probe microscopy, thermal/IR imaging, and multiple electron, ion, and laser beam-based fault localization techniques. His most recent research interests focused on developing power spectrum analysis for counterfeit device detection and its application for root cause FA. As a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff, Tangyunyong applied and invented diverse capabilities for CMOS and MEMS FA and reliability/ testing. He was recently awarded a National Nuclear Security Administration’s Defense Programs Award of Excellence. Tangyunyong led and influenced many programs at Sandia, inspiring engineers and technologists by his high standards of hard work, dedication and comradery. He also held several roles within EDFAS, ISTFA, and was a member of the EDFA Editorial Board. Tangyunyong