HIGHLIGHTS ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES | JULY/AUGUST 2023 61 J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award Dr. Ji-Cheng Zhao, FASM, department chair and professor, materials science and engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, will receive this year’s award “for developing highly efficient methods that employ combinatorial principles, and successfully applying them to the determination of phase diagrams, diffusion coefficients, and physical properties in alloy systems.” The award honors J. Willard Gibbs, one of America’s greatest theoretical scientists. In addition to many other contributions, Gibbs laid the thermodynamic foundations of phase equilibria theory with his brilliant essay “On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances,” published in 1876 and 1878 in the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy. Allan Ray Putnam Service Award Mr. Robert E. Vigneulle, technical support, powertrain division, retired, General Motors, Berea, Ohio, will receive this year’s award “for loyal and devoted service in furthering the goals and exceeding the expectations of his chapter and ASM International.” Established in 1988, the award recognizes the exemplary efforts of various outstanding members of ASM International on behalf of the Society to further its objectives and goals. The purpose of this award is to recognize those individuals whose contributions have been especially noteworthy and to whom the Society owes a particularly great debt of appreciation. 2023 AWARD PROGRAM HONOREES Albert Easton White Distinguished Teacher Award Prof. George M. Pharr, FASM, professor, department of materials science and engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, will receive this year’s award “for selfless lifelong mentorship of graduate students, contagious enthusiasm in teaching metallurgy to young generations, and for developing nanoindentation into an important materials characterization tool.” The award was established in 1960 in memory of an outstanding teacher and research engineer, who was a founding member and president of ASM in 1921. It recognizes unusually long and devoted service in teaching, as well as significant accomplishments in materials science and engineering and an unusual ability to inspire and impart enthusiasm to students. Silver Medal Award Dr. Victoria M. Miller, assistant professor, materials science and engineering, University of Florida, will receive this year’s award “for extensive contributions to the field of thermomechanical processing science, excellence as an educator, and for service to the materials profession.” Ms. Clarissa A. Yablinsky, acting deputy group leader, nuclear material science, Los Alamos National Laboratory, will receive this year’s award “for excellence in materials research and development supporting the nuclear deterrent and advanced nuclear energy and tireless volunteerism for the profession and STEM outreach.” Established in 2010, the honor of Silver Medal of the Society recognizes members who are in mid-career positions (typically 10 to 20 years of experience), for distinguished contributions in the field of materials science and engineering, and the Society. The purpose of this award is to recognize leadership at an early stage and encourage individuals to grow, nurture, and further contribute to the growth of the profession, as well as the Society. Zhao Vigneulle Pharr Miller Yablinsky Of cial ASM Annual Society Meeting Notice The Annual Society Meeting of members of ASM International will be held on: Monday, October 16 | 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. The purpose of the ASM Annual Society Meeting is the election of officers for the 2023-2024 term and transaction of other Society business.