Dr. Erik Mueller is a mentor for the ASM Eisenman Materials Camp, including serving as curriculum leader for several years. During 2020 and 2021, Dr. Mueller led the team that o ered a student camp experience online, where they devised a new way of sharing materials science with students across the country. GEORGE A. ROBERTS AWARD — ERIK MUELLER AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS PACESETTER AWARD — QUESTEK INNOVATIONS LLC KISHOR M. KULKARNI AWARD — PRISCILLA OSHIKIRI QuesTek Innovations, an industry leader in Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), has been both a financial and networking supporter of the ASM Materials Education Foundation for decades. Mrs. Priscilla Oshikiri has been teaching materials science courses for 10 years and has been a master teacher with the ASM Foundation for 12 years. She has inspired countless students to pursue engineering careers and exposed many more to materials science and engineering. ASM STUDENT CHALLENGE WINNERS 1st Place: The Science of Quenching, Alexander Azzolina, Ohio 2nd Place: Design and Build a Device to Test the Maximum Load a Material Can Withstand Before Falling, Kyle Purser and Aaron Brooks, Virginia 3rd Place: Electroplating with Conductive Filament, Christian Antaran and Owen Dorweiler, Michigan UNDERGRADUATE DESIGN COMPETITION WINNERS First Prize: Materials Characterization, Modeling, and Optimization of Al-Ce-Mg Alloys for Extrusion Michigan Technological University Team Members: • Nick Hopp • Jacob Klotz • Jacob Longstreth • Isabella Wakeham Industry Sponsor: David Weiss-Eck Industries Project Advisor: Dr. Paul Sanders Second Prize: Restoration of Musical Organs: Analysis of Rubber, Cloth, and Other Historical Materials University of Tennessee, Knoxville Team Members: • Charlotte Buchanan • MacKenzie “Max” Camp • Matthew Valderrama • Christopher Webb Faculty Advisor: Prof. David J. Ke er Third Prize: Printable GigaCasting Die Steel Massachusetts Institute of Technology Team Members: • Ian Chen • Kyle Markland Faculty Advisor: Prof. Gregory B. Olson