
PILLAR SOCIETY MEMBERS (AT TIME OF PRINTING) Mr. Riad I. Asfahani Dr. and Mrs. Aziz I. Asphahani Dr. Donald J. + and Mrs. Meredith Blickwede Mr. Richard D. Brams + Dr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Bush + Mr. Wilford H. Couts, Jr. + Dr. W. Raymond Cribb Dr. Raymond F. and Mrs. Mary Decker Mr. Angelo J. Defeo, Jr. + Dr. Daniel P. Dennies Mr. and Mrs. W. William Dyrkacz + Mr. and Mrs. William Hunt Eisenman + Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Focke + Dr. R.G. “Gil” Gilliland Ms. Diane Goldin Dr. Robert D. + and Mrs. Maryella Halverstadt Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hollander + Dr. Peggy E. Jones The Julius Turk Trust Mr. John R. “Chip” Keough Mr. and Mrs. Ashok Khare Mr. Fred Kisslinger + Dr. William P. Koster + Dr. Edward H. Kottcamp, Jr. Dr. David + and Mrs. Barbara Krashes Dr. George Krauss Mr. Warren H. Krogstad + Mr. William D. Manly + Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Muzyka Prof. Jagdish Narayan Mr. and Mrs. John P. Nielsen + Mr. Andy and Mrs. Jane Nydam Mr. Ronald J. and Mrs. Cheryl Parrington Mr. and Mrs. Greg Petrus Mr. John W. and Mrs. Nancy Pridgeon Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rache + Dr. Bhakta B. and Mrs. Sushama + Rath Mr. and Mrs. William A. Reich + Mr. George A. Roberts + Dr. Alton D. and Mrs. Julie Romig, Jr. Ms. Karen Sabo Dr. Frederick E. Schmidt Dr. Lyle H. Schwartz and Ms. Celesta S. Jurkovich Dr. William W. Scott, Jr + Dr. Roch J. Shipley Dr. Jack and Mrs. Ene + Simon Mr. Edward E. Slowter + Mr. Robert Sparks Dr. Thomas G. and Mrs. Jan + Stoebe Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Swartz + Dr. R.C. Tucker, Jr. Mr. Julius L. Turk + Mr. and Mrs. Kent R. Van Horn + Dr. Christoper Viney and Dr. Lisa Gillialand-Viney Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wert + + Legacy Donors (Deceased) • As of April 30, 2023 PILLAR SOCIETY The ASM Materials Education Foundation Pillar Society recognizes individuals who have committed to making a final gi to the ASM Foundation through their estate plans. Dr. David “Dave” Krashes, FASM, 97, an ASM past president, died on September 30, 2022. Krashes worked as a professor and lacrosse coach at Worcester Polytechnic Institute for several years until founding Massachusetts Materials Research Inc. in 1961. Dr. Krashes led the company successfully before his retirement in 1998. He was a leader in showing that microscopy and electron microscopy were primary tools to use in evaluating failed products, and was a pioneer in techniques of failure analysis. In 1970, he was named to the first class of ASM Fellows and in 1981-1982, he served as president of ASM International. Dr. Krashes was a leader in both the ASM Materials Education Foundation’s “Pick up the Pace” fundraising campaign and the George Roberts Challenge. Dr. Krashes continued his legacy to the ASM Foundation as a Pillar Society member. He set up a trust to distribute his charitable wishes at his death; the ASM Materials Education Foundation was one of three charities to share the estate proceeds and received his generous gi before the end of the year. We are grateful to David Krashes and all Pillar Society members who have chosen to make the ASM Materials Education Foundation part of their final plans. To make your own Pillar Society commitment, download a form from the ASM Foundation website or contact the ASM Foundation sta at 440-671-3800.