
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 3 2 3 Manufacturing is an energy and resource intensive process. For example, during the production of ceramic tiles, 3% and 2% of the losses can be due to breakdown of green tiles or finished products, respectively[1]. The manufacturing uncertainties during tile manufacturing result in financial loss and generate 6.25 × 108 kg of solid waste, which ends up in landfills[1]. Further downstream, the produced components often require machining, which involves material removal using tools in a lubricated condition (subtractive manufacturing). This machining step can lead to 10%-60% scrap production, generation of ecotoxic lubricants, and consumption of complex machining tools[2]. Circular economy (CE) envisions a therapeutic process that is built on the following principles: “(a) design out waste and pollution, (b) keep products and materials in use, and (c) regenerate natural systems”[3]. Additive manufac- turing (AM) has emerged as a key technology, which can potentially fit into the CE model as it is possible to incorporate recycled and reclaimed materials during manufacturing[4]. AM is defined as, “a process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies”[5]. AM terminology is used synonymously with three-dimensional (3D) printing especially with low capacity or price printers and is defined as, “the fabrication of objects through the deposition of a material using a print head, nozzle, or another printer technology” in the ASTM International standard for AM terminology[5]. AM can also eliminate the need for machining during the manufacturing process. Ingarao et al.[6] performed a case study on Ti-6Al-4V components in which they showed that AM via electron beam melting is an energy efficient process compared to machining raw materials and were more efficiently manufactured with AM. For realizing the full potential of the AM process, limitations that must be overcome include: (a) need for customized feedstock selection; (b) slow deposition kinetics; (c) product quality, which is partially dependent onsurface finishing; (d) highpriced equipment, which is a barrier of entry for entrepreneurs and small business[6,7]; and (e) anisotropic properties due to layered deposition[5]. In this brief review, some of the current standout AM technologies that can be used for manufacturing ceramics and ceramic- based composites are presented. CURRENT STATUS OF AM FOR MANUFACTURING CERAMICS AND THEIR COMPOSITES Chen et al.[8] have classified AM technologies according to the morphology of the pre-processed feedstock, for example, slurry, powder, and bulk feedstock[8]. In this brief review, the classification proposed by Chen et al.[8] for understanding different types of AM technologies will be utilized and diversified with focus mainly on powder and slurry-based processes (Fig. 1). AM Based on Slurry Design. Chaudhury et al.[9] defined vat photopolymerization as a family of AM manufacturing processes where a vat of photosensitive slurry with controlled viscosity was cured by scanning light of a suitable wavelength[9]. Stereolithography (SL) is an important member of this family of AM techniques. SL is defined as, a “photopolymerizationprocess used toproduce parts from photopolymer materials in A REVIEW OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING PROCESSES FOR FABRICATING CERAMICS AND COMPOSITES Knowing which additive manufacturing techniques are advantageous for specific manufacturing applications leads to better results. Surojit Gupta,* Daniel Trieff, Mackenzie Short, and Maharshi Dey* Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks Samuel J.A. Hocker and Valerie Wiesner* National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia *Member of ASM International