
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A R C H 2 0 2 3 6 1 To become an ASM Emerging Professional Committee member, you must be an ASM member who is no more than five years past graduation (from your latest degree) and have a desire to learn more about ASM committee involvement. The committee is geared toward professional ASM members; undergraduate and graduate students are not eligible. You will be asked for the following documents within the application portal available online at the ASM International site: 1. Current resume - Please highlight prior interest in ASM demonstrated either through participation in a student chapter, local chapter, or conference. 2. Letter of recommendation – may be from an ASM Chapter officer, employer, Material Advantage faculty advisor, or other professional. 3. A one-page essay (typed and double-spaced) addressing the following: • What experiences with ASM led to your interest in the Emerging Professionals Committee, and which projects would you most like to be involved with? • What qualities, characteristics, and skills do you possess that will make you a strong candidate for the Emerging Professionals Committee? • What do you hope to learn/gain from this program? Further information can be found on the ASM International website under the Emerging Professionals section under Communities. You may also contact Drew Fleming, EPC staff liaison, for additional information. We encourage ASM members from any educational background to apply, as we have members with everything from bachelor’s degrees to Ph.D.s. All that is required is a desire to be involved and an interest in the future of ASM International. OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS AND TEACHERS Undergraduate Scholarships Scholarships from $1500 to $10,000 available to Material Advantage students. Deadline February 28. Technical and Community College Scholarships Up to 10 scholarships of $500 to $1000 each are available. Deadline February 28. Undergraduate Design Competition This competition encourages the strengthening of design curricula in materials science and engineering departments. The awards include: First Prize: $2000 + $500 travel assistance + $500 to the department for support of future design teams; Second Prize: $1500 + $500 travel assistance; Third Prize: $1000 + $500 travel assistance. Deadline June 30. Student Chapter Grants These grants support Material Advantage student chapters in their outreach activities. Grants of $500 each are available. Deadline November 15. Student Materials Camp This popular program utilizes hands-on learning principles of applied math, physics, and chemistry led by a distinguished world-class faculty. The program is aimed at stirring students’ interest in science and getting them excited about materials engineering careers, as they learn to be team players and become “science detectives” at the camp. Teacher Materials Camp This weeklong program for middle school and high school teachers demonstrates how to use low/no cost simple labs and experiments with everyday materials that can be integrated into existingmath/science lesson plans. These simple activities and experiments are proven to actively engage students in learning more about applied science. Kishor M. Kulkarni Distinguished High School Teacher Award This award honors the accomplishments of one high school science teacher who has demonstrated a significant and sustained impact on pre-college age students. Award: $2000 cash grant plus the recipient’s travel cost of up to $500 to receive the award at the ASM Awards Luncheon. Application deadline June 30. “Living in a Material World”—$500 Teacher Grants Provides support for K-12 teachers to develop and implement science teaching activities. Award: 20 grants of $500 each. Deadline: March 31. To learn more about any of these programs, visit VIST THE CAREER HUB Matching job seekers to employers just got easier with ASM International’s Career Hub. After logging on to the ASM website, job seekers can upload a resume and do searches on hiring companies for free. Advanced searching allows filtering based on various aspects of materials science, e.g., R&D, failure analysis, lab environment, and manufacturing. Employers and suppliers can easily post jobs and set up pre-screen criteria to gain access to highly qualified, professional job seekers around the globe. For more information, visit EMERGING PROFESSIONALS