HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A R C H 2 0 2 3 5 8 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK The treasurer works closely with ASM’s CFO and the financial staff at the Dome, who provide ample support regarding the Society’s accounting practices, researching historical data, preparing meeting agendas, and more. ASM’s Constitution states that the treasurer must be an individual professional member of the Society. It is recommended that the treasurer have a good understanding of finance and accounting, and the ability to synchronize ASM’s finances with its vision and strategy to make the best use of the Society’s resources. Prior experience in the volunteer leadership of ASM is also helpful. Once applications are received, the treasurer is nominated by a five-person Nominating Committee for Treasurer that will review candidates and present their nominee to the board for approval. This committee is convened to select a treasurer and is separate from the Nominating Committee for vice president and trustees. Although the treasurer is officially appointed for a one-year term, reappointment for multiple years is typical. Therefore, planning on a three-year term or longer is reasonable. For more information or to be considered for this position, contact either ASMTreasurer JohnKuli at jck2830@ gmail.com or ASM chief financial officer Veronica Becker at veronica.becker@asminternational.org. Applicants should submit a short letter explaining why they would like to serve as treasurer along with a resume and 2-5 letters of support to leslie.taylor@asminternational.org by March 20. ASM and its Affiliate Societies Seek Student Board Members We’re looking for Material Advantage student members to provide insights and ideas to ASM and its Affiliate Society Boards. We are pleased to announce the continuation of our successful Student Board Member programs. Each Society values the input and participation of students and is looking for their insights and ideas. Application deadline is February 28. Visit asminternational.org/students/student-board-member-programs for complete form and rules. Volunteers Needed on ASM Committees/Councils Visit ASM’s Volunteer Center at https://connect.asminternational.org/volunteeropportunities/about-volunteering to view ASM’s committee/council purpose statements, roles and responsibilities, and the open volunteer opportunities available. There are limited openings (2-3 per committee/ council) and qualifications will be considered. Appointments for 2023-2024 will be finalized by September 2023. While there, take a moment to manage your volunteer profile so that your expertise and interests can best be matched with the appropriate committee/council for future appointment and interaction. Deadline for submitting your interest in open volunteer positions is March 27. For more details contact: christine.hoover@asminternational.org. FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Realigning for Future Growth At ASM International, our leadership team under Sandy Robert, in partnership with the Board of Trustees, is building a plan to ensure the Society’s future. It has been several decades since the landscape changed for all materials societies. Instead of young professionals in both industry and academia being urged by their senior mentors to join ASM, TMS, ACerS, et al., it is not clear that today’s early career materials engineers appreciate the networking and career opportunities that we offer. However, it is certainly clear that the evolution of the materials industries means that many young employees are not expected or even encouraged to join ASM. It appears that many industries do not value (or perhaps are not even aware of) the priceless trove of trusted materials information that we have accumulated and curated in our Handbooks and Data Ecosystem. So, industry investments in our Society have continued to wane. While our membership approaches 20,000, many of those are of my vintage, a lot of folks are retired, and several are honorary members. Because of their loyalty to ASM over the decades, we continue to engage them with our publications, meetings, and our ASM Connect network. We are so thankful that many of our older members continue to serve as volunteers and mentors for our younger members, particularly via our network of chapters. We will not return to those halcyon days of membership numbers in the many tens of thousands anytime soon. So, we must examine how we can serve today’s industries and today’s members, not those of yesterday. Because of the deep involvement of the traditional primary metals and manufacturing industries that used to support ASM financially, we generally assumed that since we have built our database of materials properties, they would come and use it. In fact, this has not been the case for some considerable time, and we need to recognize this. Therefore, faced with fiscal challenges like those of many of our partner societies, we have elected to invest in a robust technical sales group to take our products to industries and universities around the world. We will also build on our curWilliams