ASMNEWS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A R C H 2 0 2 3 5 4 In This Issue Submit news of ASM and its members, chapters, and affiliate societies to Joanne Miller, editor, ASM News | ASM International 9639 Kinsman Road | Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5455 | F 440.338.4634 | E Contact ASM International at 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5151 ext. 0 or 800.336.5152 (toll free in U.S. and Canada) | F 440.338.4634 | E | W ASMNEWS 54 Essock Chairs Nominating Committee 55 Affiliate Societies Name Committee Chairs 58 From the President’s Desk 60 Emerging Professionals 64 Members in the News ESSOCK TO CHAIR 2023 NOMINATING COMMITTEE Members of the 2023 Nominating Committee have been selected and ASM Past President, Ms. Diana Essock, FASM, president, Metamark Inc., was elected to serve as chair by the ASM Board of Trustees. Essock has been a member of ASM International over 40 years and served as ASM President 2020-2021 and as trustee from 2010-2013. She received her B.S. inmaterials engineering fromCase Western Reserve University, and an M.S. in metallurgical engineering from The Ohio State University. She completed her Executive MBA at Baldwin Wallace University and received certification in Strategy & Innovation from Case Western Reserve’s Weatherhead School of Management in 2006. As president of Metamark Inc., Essock provides proprietary consultation for a wide range of industrial and technically oriented clients to help them identify, establish, and expand their market- place. Her career in industry has included such positions as director of new technology at Foseco Metallurgical, team leader at GE, and principal engineer at TRW. Essock has presented at ASM conferences and published in ASM’s technical handbooks and periodicals. She is a Fellow of ASM and has devoted volunteer efforts through service on ASM’s Chapter Council, Women in Materials Engineering Committee (now IDEA Committee), the ASM Cleveland Chapter Executive Committee, served as the Cleveland Chapter’s historian, served on the ASM Awards Policy Committee and ASM Nominating Committee, and was awarded the ASM Allan Ray Putnam Service Award and the Cleveland Chapter’s Distinguished Service Award. ASM Officers Appoint Members In accordance with the ASM International Constitution, ASMpresident Dr. DavidB.Williams, FASM, PradeepGoyal, FASM, senior vice president, Dr. Navin Manjooran, FASM, vice president, and Dr. Judith A. Todd, FASM, immediate past president, appointed nine members to the Nominating Committee from among candidates proposed by chapters, committees, councils, and ASM Affiliate Society boards. This year, the committee is responsible for selecting a nominee for vice president-trustee (one-year term), and for nominating three trustees (three-year terms). Members do not select a candidate for president of the Society, because Article IV, Section 8c of the Constitution states that the office of president shall be filled for a period of one year by succession of the senior vice president. The 2023 Nominating Committee’s nominee for vice president will serve as ASM’s president 2025-2026. 2023 Nominating Committee Members Include: Dr. Andrew Ang, senior research engineer, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia (nominated by the Thermal Spray Society); Dr. Zayna Connor, president, ZMCConsulting Inc., RollingMeadows, Ill. (nominatedby the Technical Books Committee); Mr. Jaret Frafjord, manager of engineering and metallurgy, Oregon Tool, Portland, Ore. (nominated by the International Metallographic Society); Mr. Bhimsen Galgali, independent consultant and advisor, Tata Advanced Systems Ltd., India (nominated by the Pune Chapter); Mr. Larry D. Hanke, FASM, principal engineer, Materials Evaluation and Engineering Inc., Plymouth, Minn. (nominated by the Failure Analysis Society); Dr. Donald F. Heaney, president, Advanced Powder Products Inc., Philipsburg, Pa. (nominated by the Penn State Chapter); Dr. Nirav Jamnapara, scientific officer and head, Institute of Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India (nominated by the Gujarat Chapter); Dr. Keerti Kappagantula, senior scientist and team leader, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Wash. (nominated by the IDEA Committee); and Dr. Fan Zhang, president, CompuTherm LLC, Middleton, Wis. (nominated by the Alloy Phase Diagram Committee). The Nominating Committee will meet on April 12 and its recommended slate of officers will be published in the May/June issue of ASM News. Essock