
4 Editorial 5 Feedback 5 Research Tracks 10 Machine Learning 6 Metals/Polymers/Ceramics 8 Testing/Characterization 11 Emerging Technology 50 Stress Relief 51 Editorial Preview 51 Special Advertising Section 51 Advertisers Index 52 3D PrintShop TRENDS INDUSTRY NEWS DEPARTMENTS Check out the Digital Edition online at asminternational.org/news/magazines/am-p ASM International serves materials professionals, nontechnical personnel, and managers wordwide by providing high-quality materials information, education and training, networking opportunities, and professional development resources in cost-effective and user-friendly formats. ASM is where materials users, producers, and manufacturers converge to do business. Advanced Materials & Processes (ISSN 0882-7958, USPS 762080) publishes eight issues per year: January/February, March, April, May/June, July/August, September, October, and November/December, by ASM International, 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073-0002; tel: 440.338.5151; fax: 440.338.4634. Periodicals postage paid at Novelty, Ohio, and additional mailing offices. Vol. 181, No. 1, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2023. Copyright © 2023 by ASM International®. All rights reserved. Distributed at no charge to ASMmembers in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. International members can pay a $30 per year surcharge to receive printed issues. Subscriptions: $499. Single copies: $54. POSTMASTER: Send 3579 forms to ASM International, Materials Park, OH 44073-0002. Change of address: Request for change should include old address of the subscriber. Missing numbers due to “change of address” cannot be replaced. Claims for nondelivery must be made within 60 days of issue. Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement No. 40732105. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: 700 Dowd Ave., Elizabeth, NJ 07201. Printed by LSC Communications, Lebanon Junction, Ky. 21 DAVID B. WILLIAMS 2022-2023 PRESIDENT OF ASM INTERNATIONAL Meet David B. Williams, FASM, the new president of ASM, and learn about his academic and scientific background, leadership, and contributions as a researcher and educator. 23 ADVANCED MANUFACTURING: NAVIGATING THE PATH FORWARD William E. Frazier, Jack Beuth, Glenn S. Daehn, David U. Furrer, Michael Maher, and Scott D. Henry Highlights from a member survey and panel discussion outlining the challenges and benefits of advanced manufacturing for the materials community. 32 PHASE ANALYSIS PRIMER: HOW TO SELECT THE RIGHT ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUE Rajan Bhambroo Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of various analysis methods can help determine the best approach for the task at hand. FEATURES JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2023 | VOL 181 | NO 1 A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3 3 21 36 32 23 36 TECHNICAL SPOTLIGHT SUSTAINABLE ALLOY SOLUTION FOR ENGINE VALVETRAIN APPLICATIONS J513 alloy offers lower costs and higher performance for diesel and natural gas engine applications while also requiring substantially less cobalt usage.