HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3 4 9 Engineering Applications (1987, 1987, and 1991, respectively). He was also a co-editor of the 10-volume Handbook of Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams (1995). He published classic articles on common mistakes made in drawing phase diagrams, and had been Supplemental Literature Review Editor for Journal of Phase Equilibria and Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion since 1991. Okamoto led the effort to revise Volume 3 of the ASM Handbook: Alloy Phase Diagrams, which was published in 2016. Following his return to Japan, he was professor, Department of Information Management, Asahi University, Hozumi-cho, Gifu, later becoming professor emeritus. Brigadier General Thomas Fletcher Talbot passed away at age 92 on November 1, 2022. He was born in Birmingham, Alabama, on July 31, 1930. Talbot lived a full and remarkable life; one marked by passion for flying, engineering, and family. He graduated from Auburn University in 1952 with a B.S. inmechanical engineering and was a Distinguished Military Graduate. He was also a member of Lambda Chi Alpha Social Fraternity and inducted into Tau Beta Pi and Pi Tau Sigma. He served in the United States Air Force after graduation, was discharged from active duty in 1956, and continued to serve his country in the Air Force Reserves until 1985, retiring at the rank of Brigadier General. He earned his M.S. in mechanical engineering from CalTech and later attended Georgia Tech earning a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering. While at Georgia Tech, he began his career as a professor, which would lead him to Vanderbilt University before returning to Birmingham where he would spend 23 years as a professor of engineering at the University of Alabama (UAB). Upon retirement as the chair of the UAB Department of Mechanical Engineering, he was named professor emeritus. Spending over 5000 hours in the sky, Talbot earned The Wright Brothers “Master Pilot” award. Prior to his passing, he was notified he would be inducted into the Alabama Engineering Hall of Fame. Other awards include: The Triodyne Safety Award, BirminghamArea Engineer of the Year, and Alabama Engineer of the Year. Talbot was a Life Member of ASM International, a Life Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and a member of many additional professional engineering organizations. For over 50 years, he served as a technical consultant for law firms, insurance companies, corporations, and government agencies on product liability and accident reconstruction. IN MEMORIAM Talbot