HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3 4 8 IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM ThaddeusB.“Ted”Massalski,FASM, 96,diedonDecember2, 2022, inO’HaraTownship,Pa. He was born in Warsaw, Poland on June 29, 1926. As a teen, he escaped his hometown of Warsaw, Poland, leaving with less than 24-hour notice. He didn’t see his family again for over 13 years. He joined the British army during World War II and then attended the Reggio Politecnico di Torino in Italy where he studied chemistry and engineering. He then moved to the U.K. and attended the University of Birminghamwhere he received his Ph.D. in physical and theoretical metallurgy in 1954. He later received his D.Sc. from Birmingham University in 1964 for his work in the field of the theory of alloys. After studying at the University of Chicago as a post-doctoral fellow, he joined the Mellon Institute in Pittsburgh as one of the research directors in 1960. When Mellon Institute and Carnegie Technical Institutemerged to formCarnegie Mellon University (CMU) he became Institute Professor and eventually joined two departments: Materials Science and Engineering and Physics. He continued to author academic papers as late as 2020. At the time of his passing, he was professor emeritus. Massalski wrote and published a number of books, journal articles, and was the editor of two prestigious scientific journals, Progress in Material Science and Metallurgical Transactions. Among his many ASM accomplishments, Massalski was the Edward DeMille Campbell Memorial Lecturer in 1988, received the ASM Gold Medal in 1993, and was presented with the J. Willard Gibbs Award in 2012. He was a member of the ASM Pittsburgh Chapter. Harsukh Mohanlal Mehta passed away on February 1, 2022. He was widely accepted as the founding father of ASM in India. The strength and vibrancy of ASM in India is the culmination of his commitment, visionary zeal, and dedication to themission of our Society. He was admired for his wealth of knowledge and business acumen in steel ball technology, in addition to his scientific intellect and knowledge of powder metallurgy, heat treatment, and surface technologies. Mehta earned a degree in production engineering from the University of Connecticut in 1951. He established New Haven Steel Balls in 1961, and by 1987 transformed it into the largest steel ball manufacturing operation, with Mehta as the chairman of the board. He was popularly known as “Mr. ASM” in India, as he initiated the ASM India Chapter (Mumbai, the first chapter in India) in 1979. Mehta’s charisma, networking, and hard work were also key to establishing the Chennai (1985), Pune (1990), Gujarat (2005), and Bengaluru (2007) Chapters. He served as the lifelong torch bearer of ASM in India for over 50 years and was recognized with the ASMHonorary Membership in 2013. Mehta was a beacon of philanthropy, instilling such a spirit in everyone he met. There is a long list of institutions he promoted and nurtured. He was the founding patron of schools for girls in rural areas, colleges, and vocational schools, to name a few. He was a shining inspiration for students, young professionals, and colleagues. He made valuable contributions to ASM and the materials community worldwide. Hiroaki “Hiro” Okamoto, 81, of Nagoya, Japan, passed away on February 14, 2022. He obtained his master’s degree in applied physics from Nagoya University in 1965, and his doctorate in metallurgy from the University of Illinois in 1971. Early in his career, he worked on the evaluation of binary gold systems at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and on the evaluation of beryllium alloy systems at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory in California. Okamoto was senior technical editor, Alloy Phase Diagram Program, ASM International, from 1987 through 1993. He was co-editor of ASM’s primary binary phase diagrams reference work, the three-volume set Binary Alloys Phase Diagrams, Second Edition, and the electronic edition of this work, Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, Second Edition, Plus Updates, on CD-ROM. He played a major role in the development of several other ASM publications including as editor of Phase Diagrams of Binary Iron Alloys (1993), and co-editor of Phase Diagrams of Binary Gold Alloys, Phase Diagrams of Binary Beryllium Alloys, and Phase Diagrams of Binary Indium Alloys and Their Massalski Mehta Okamoto