HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3 4 3 Nominations Sought for Affiliate Society Boards The Awards and Nominations Committees for six of ASM’s Affiliate Societies are seeking nominations for their Board of Directors, as noted below. All nominations are due no later than March 1 and all terms begin October 1. Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society (EDFAS) is seeking nominations to fill three board member positions. EDFAS members in good standing are encouraged to nominate themselves or another member. For more information on eligibility and how to submit a nomination, visit the EDFAS website at asminternational.org/web/edfas. Failure Analysis Society (FAS) is seeking nominations to fill one vice president and one secretary, two board positions, and one emerging professional board member role. Any member of FAS in good standing is encouraged to nominate themselves or another member. For more information on eligibility and how to submit a nomination, visit the FAS website at asminternational.org/web/fas. Heat Treating Society (HTS) is seeking nominations for one vice president, a secretary, three directors, two student board members, and two emerging professional board members. Candidates must be an HTS member in good standing. Nominations should be made on the formal nomination form and can be submitted by a chapter, council, committee, HTS member, or an affiliate society. The HTS A&N Committee may consider any HTS member, including those who have served on the HTS Board previously. For more information on eligibility and for a copy of the nomination form, visit the HTS website at asminternational. org/web/hts. International Metallographic Society (IMS) is seeking nominations to fill one vice president and one secretary, and three directors. Any IMS members in good standing are encouraged to nominate themselves or another member for any of these positions. Current board members whose terms are expiring may be eligible for nomination and possible reelection on an equal basis with any other candidate. For more information on eligibility and how to submit a nomination, visit the IMS website at asminternational.org/ web/ims. International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (SMST) is seeking nominations to fill two board member positions. Any member of SMST in good standing is encouraged to nominate themselves or another member for one of these positions. For more information on eligibility and how to submit a nomination, visit the SMST website at asminternational.org/web/smst. Thermal Spray Society (TSS) is seeking nominations to fill three board member positions. Nominees must be a member of the ASM Thermal Spray Society and must be endorsed by five TSS members. Board members whose terms are expiring may be eligible for nomination and possible reelection on an equal basis with any other nominee. For more information on eligibility and for a copy of the nomination form, visit the TSS website at asminternational.org/web/tss. ASM and its Affiliate Societies Seek Student Board Members We’re looking for Material Advantage student members to provide insights and ideas to ASM and its Affiliate Society Boards. We are pleased to announce the continuation of our successful Student Board Member programs. Each Society values the input and participation of students and is looking for their insights and ideas. An opportunity like no other! • Expenses to attend meetings paid for by the respective Society • Take an active role in shaping the future of your professional Society • Actively participate in your professional Society’s board meetings • Gain leadership skills to enhance your career • Add a unique experience to your resume • Represent Material Advantage and speak on behalf of students • Work with leading professionals in the field Application deadline is February 15. Visit asminternational.org/students/student-board-member-programs for complete form and rules. HTS AWARD DEADLINES Nominations Sought for George H. Bodeen Heat Treating Achievement Award ASM’s Heat Treating Society (HTS) is currently seeking nominations for the George H. Bodeen Heat Treating Achievement Award, which recognizes distinguished and significant contributions to the field of heat treating through leadership, management, or engineering development of substantial commercial impact. The deadline for nominations is March 1. ASM HTS/Bodycote ‘Best Paper in Heat Treating’ Contest The ASM Heat Treating Society established the Best Paper in Heat Treating Award in 1997 to recognize a paper that represents advancement in heat treating technology, promotes heat treating in a substantial way, or represents a clear advantage in managing the business of heat treating. The award, endowed by Bodycote Thermal Process-North America, is open to all full-time or part-time students enrolled at universities (or their equivalent) or colleges. The NOMINATIONS DUE