
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3 4 0 Mr. JohnMarcin, FASM, technical fellow and associate director, global supply chain technical optimization, Raytheon Technologies Corp., was appointed chair of the Awards Policy Committee. Dr. Dana Medlin, FASM, senior managing consultant, EAG Laboratories, continues as chair of the Education Committee. Ms. Alexandra Merkouriou, project manager for Project Daedalus, University of Connecticut, continues as co-chair of the Emerging Professionals Committee. Dr. Matthias Miermeister, director, technical development engineering, Global Aerospace and Industrial Plate, Novelis, was appointed chair of the AeroMat Organizing Committee. Mr. Patrick Mizik, principal metallurgical engineer, Haldex, was appointed chair of Chapter Council. Mr. Scott Olig, materials research engineer, U.S. Naval Research Lab, continues as chair of the Handbook Committee. Dr. Amra Peles, senior data scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, was appointed chair of the Materials Data Management and Analytics Committee, and continues as chair of the Material Properties Database Committee. Dr. Marissa Reigel, senior R&D manager, Saint-Gobain NorPro, continues as chair of the ASM Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Awareness (IDEA) Committee. Mr. Babu Sathian, managing director, Process Pumps (India) Pvt. Ltd., was appointed chair of the India Council. Dr. Dileep Singh, FASM, Argonne distinguished fellow, Argonne National Laboratories, continues as chair of the Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Committee. Dr. Mark F. Smith, FASM, senior manager, (retired), Materials Science and Engineering Center, Sandia National Laboratories, continues as chair of the ASM International and ASM Materials Education Foundation Combined Investment Committee. Mr. Jordan Wilhelm, quality assurance technician, Unilock, continues as chair of Canada Council. Dr. Andrzej Wojcieszynski, FASM, vice president and director of operations, Ampal Inc., continues as chair of the ASM Programming Committee. Mizik Olig Peles Reigel Sathian Marcin Medlin Merkouriou Miermeister COMMITTEE AND COUNCIL CHAIRS Singh Smith Wilhelm Wojcieszynski