
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3 3 1 and processes must be developed concomitantly. The benefits of advancedmanufacturing include low cost, rapid, product development, manufacturing agility, product customization, and feature-specific tailored properties. It also enables novel designs that were previously unable to be conventionally manufactured. Key enablers include effective data management. FAIR data management principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) must be implemented[4]. Advanced physics-based modeling and simulation tools (e.g., integrated computational materials engineering, ICME) and analytic tools such as AI and ML will help accelerate the qualification of processes and the certification of products. It is important to recognize that the challenges associated with the successful implementation of advanced manufacturing are multifaceted and involve political, economic, social, and technological (PEST) issues. How best to overcome these obstacles is the focus of the new ASM committee. ~AM&P For more information: William E. Frazier, president, Pilgrim Consulting LLC, 12945 Soundings Rd., Lusby, MD 20657, 410.474.5066, frazierwe@pilgrim-consulting.com. References 1. Advanced Manufacturing: Innovation Institutes Report Technology Progress and Members Report Satisfaction with Their Involvement, United States Government Account-ability Office, GAO-22-103979, December 2021. the need for a technology refresh rate and how to incorporate that into policy. Finally, while incorporating digital manufacturing technologies can provide huge benefits to increasing efficiencies, it is imperative to include information technology personnel early and often in the process. ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNICAL COMMITTEE An ASM International ad hoc Advanced Manufacturing Technical Committee was formed over the course of the past year. The committee’s charter and membership are currently in the process of being formalized for review and approval by the Board of Trustees. Those interested in participating in the committee are welcome. Contact Scott Henry at scott.henry@asminternational.org for more information. The purpose of the committee is to provide the volunteer leadership and coordination required to ensure that the Society is serving the needs of its members and the broader materials, processing, and manufacturing community. As such, the committee is charged with stimulating the development and disseminating of valuable and accurate programming, information, education resources, and data required for the scientific advancement and practical application of advanced manufacturing technologies. The committee is committed to establishing and executing a process for the delivery of a continuous stream of value-added products and promoting the professional development and maturation of advanced manufacturing personnel spanning the continuum of their professional careers. As part of its mission, the committee will address issues of global importance to ASM members, e.g., clean energy production, environmental impact, economic viability, workforce development, and sustainability. SUMMARY Advanced manufacturing rests on the pillars of Industry 4.0 (Fig. 1). To realize the benefits of advanced manufacturing, new, innovative materials 2. S.I. Tay, et al., An Overview of Industry 4.0: Definition, Components, and Government Initiatives, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 14-Special Issue, 2018. 3. Arun Kumar, et al., Role of Additive Manufacturing in Industry 4.0 for Maintenance Engineering, Chapter 13, IGI Global, 2020, https://doi. org/10.4018/978-1-7998-3904-0.ch013. 4. W. Frazier, et al., Unleashing the Potential of Additive Manufacturing: FAIR AM Data Management Principles, Advanced Materials & Processes, Vol. 175, No. 5, p 12-19, July/August 2021. 5. National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing, Executive Office of the President of the United States, National Science and Technology Council, Subcommittee on Advanced Manufacturing, October 2022. 6. Glenn Daehn, et al., Metamorphic Manufacturing: Shaping the Future of On-Demand Components, The Min- erals, Metals & Materials Society, Pittsburgh, PA 15237, 2019, https://doi. org/10.7449/Metamorphic_1.