
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3 2 5 data sets are required as are modeling and simulation tools. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) methodologies are viewed as important means of process development, optimization, and qualification. PANEL DISCUSSION & BRIEFS The Committee organized a panel discussion entitled “Advanced Manufacturing: Progress and Opportunities.” The panel was held at IMAT 2022 in New TABLE 5 —— WHAT TOOLS OR TECHNOLOGIES ARE IN GREATEST NEED OF ENHANCEMENTS TO REALIZE THE BENEFITS OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING? Comments: “Data acquisition and statistical tools for improvement of production efficiency and product reliability.” “In situ process monitoring.” “Inspection in general, as there will now be complex parts with no way to inspect internal features using conventional metrology.” “We have very good AI/ML strategies, but they are mostly relegated to other industries or as case study examples in academic problems.” “NDT capable of finding flaws reliably so that engineers can complete damage tolerance and other life prediction analysis.” “Adaptable virtual inspection methodologies that dynamically update to adjust to process improvements and changing production requirements.” “Tools that correlate simulation outputs, actual test data, and validation results.” TABLE 6 —— WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING IS MOST IMPORTANT FOR ASM INTERNATIONAL TO MAKE THE GREATEST POSITIVE IMPACT IN ADVANCED MANUFACTURING? Comments: “Priority 1—understand the needs of members ( just like this survey—great work!).” “The focus clearly needs to be on materials-related activities, but there are other societies/disciplines that have an interest in this topic (e.g., mechanical engineering); so collaboration with them would be beneficial to the overall success of such an initiative.” “Industry 4.0, advanced analytics, machine learning, automation.” “Hybrid manufacturing using expanded menu of materials.” “Standardization, definitions, data, machine language readability/interoperability, materials.” “Organize conference symposia, generate webinars, create networking events, publish in AM&P to update the community.” “…there are a lot of multidisciplinary topics to cover, so it is imperative that the ASM Advanced Manufacturing Committee bring in the business and science leaders in the different fields to identify/confirm any common challenges.” From the responses provided, several salient conclusions can be drawn. ASM members believe in the importanceofadvancedmanufacturing. Advanced manufacturing will impact a wide range of materials and processes. The challenges associated with implementing advancedmanufacturing include qualification and certification of new processes as well as effective digital data capture and management. To enable advanced manufacturing quality digital material and process Orleans on September 13, 2022. Perspectives on advanced manufacturing were briefed by four renowned experts, Prof. Jack Beuth, Prof. Glenn Daehn, Dr. Dave Furrer, and Mr. Michael “Mick” Maher (Fig. 2). Subsequently, a robust and audience interactive discussion was moderated by Dr. William E. Frazier. Key elements of advanced manufacturing technology were explored along withthesteps requiredtosecurethepromise of Industry 4.0. This section sum- marizes the main points by the panel. JOIN THE DISCUSSION The theme of the International Materials, Applications & Technologies (IMAT) 2023 (October 16-19, Detroit) conference is “Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies.” Papers are invited on a broad range of topics related to advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0. Abstracts are due by February 24, 2023. Visit: asm.confex.com/asm/imat2023/cfp.cgi. (continued on page 28)