A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3 2 4 TABLE 1 —— WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES? Comments: “Producing product characteristics/properties unat- tainable by existing technologies.” “Reliability and repeatability in manufacturing process.” “Full life cycle capability. Smaller players should be able to compete.” TABLE 2 —— WHICH MANUFACTURING/PROCESSING AREAS ARE MOST SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACTED BY ADVANCED MANUFACTURING? Comments: “All materials processing methods can be involved in Advanced Manufacturing…” “This list is too focused on metals; need to expand to include manufacturing of polymers, ceramics, and semiconductors (electronic systems).” TABLE 3 —— WHICH MATERIALS CATEGORIES ARE MOST SIGNIFICANTLY IMPACTED BY ADVANCED MANUFACTURING? Comments: “Advancedmanufacturing methods should be focused on the ‘difficult to make’ materials in the most demanding applications.” “Since all materials areas can be significantly impacted by advanced manufacturing—depending upon part and heat lot size, quantity, cycle time, etc.—it’s hard to generalize at this level.” TABLE 4 —— WHAT ARE THE GREATEST CHALLENGES IN IMPLEMENTING OR REALIZING BENEFITS OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES? Comments: “Cultural/corporate aversion to change.” “Time and money required to scale up new technologies from lab to mass manufacturing.” “Partnerships among companies and academia and government agencies will be critical to making smooth transitions into various arenas of adv. mfg.”