A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y / F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 3 2 3 The core elements of advanced manufacturing are embodied in the pillars of Industry 4.0[1-3] (Fig. 1). These pillars, when seamlessly integrated, enable innovative product designs, and the agile and rapid production of parts at reduced cost. Seamless digital data connectivity and interoperability is required to leverage the benefits of Industry 4.0[4]. While there is no single authoritative definition of advanced manufacturing, the National Science and Technology Council, Subcommittee on Advanced Manufacturing has stated, “Advanced manufacturing is defined as the innovation of improved methods for manufacturing existing products, and the production of new products enabled by advanced technologies”[5]. Recognizing that materials and processes are integral to achieving the full potential of advanced manufacturing, members of ASM International came together to explore, and to better understand, how the Society could effectively serve the community. This paper reports on the results of three initiatives of the ad hoc Advanced Manufacturing Committee. 1. A membership survey was conducted to better understand the needs of the advanced manufacturing community. 2. The Committee organized a panel discussion entitled “Advanced Manufacturing: Progress and Opportunities” at IMAT 2022 in New Orleans on September 13, 2022, to explore key elements of advanced manufacturing and solicit member feedback. 3. A new Advanced Manufacturing Technical Committee is being formally stood up. SURVEY RESULTS An online survey of ASM members was conducted in July and August 2022 to better understand the interest and needs of members in advanced manufacturing. The survey was sent to ASM volunteer leaders active in chapters, affiliate societies, and committees. One hundred and thirty-nine responses were received. The survey results were assessed and scored based on assigning weights to Likert scale responses. Six questions were posed. Those surveyed were given the opportunity to choose from several responses and provide written responses and comments. The numerical results are present in Tables 1-6. A sampling of the written comments submitted is presented below each table. ADVANCED MANUFACTURING: NAVIGATING THE PATH FORWARD Highlights from a member survey and panel discussion outlining the challenges and benefits of advanced manufacturing for the materials community. William E. Frazier, FASM,* Pilgrim Consulting LLC, Lusby, Maryland Jack Beuth,* Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh Glenn S. Daehn, FASM,* The Ohio State University, Columbus David U. Furrer, FASM,* Pratt & Whitney, Marlborough, Connecticut Michael Maher,* Maher & Associates LLC, Forest Hill, Maryland Scott D. Henry,* ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio *Member of ASM International Fig. 1 — Advancedmanufacturing in Industry 4.0.