A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 7 9 EDITORIAL PREVIEW SEPTEMBER 2022 Nondestructive Testing and Failure Analysis Highlighting: • Mechanisms of Metallurgical Failure • Terahertz Wave Diagnostics • ISTFA Show Preview Advertising Bonus and Distribution: • ISTFA: Oct. 30-Nov. 3, Pasadena Advertising closes August 8 OCTOBER 2022 Additive Manufacturing Highlighting: • Military Field AM • Ceramics and 3D Printing • Combining AM and Metal Injection Molding • Advertising Bonus and Distribution: • Signet Ad Study Special Supplements: • SMST NewsWire newsletter covering shape memory and superelastic technologies for biomedical and actuator applications, along with SMST news and initiatives. Advertising closes September 7 Subscriptions/Customer Service: 800.336.5152 MemberServiceCenter@asminternational.org Information on Advertising and Sponsorships: Kelly Johanns 440.318.4702 kelly.johanns@asminternational.org Download the Media Kit at: asminternational.org/advertise-webform The ad index is published as a service. Every care is taken to make it accurate, but Advanced Materials & Processes assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. AD INDEX Advertiser Page Allied High Tech Products Inc. BC, 30 Bruker Corp. 30 Centorr Vacuum Industries Inc. 9 Gasbarre Products Inc. 55 Impact Innovations GmbH 31, 46 LECO Corp. 11, 31 Master Bond Inc. 38 MIPAR 5 NSL Analytical Services Inc. IFC, 31 Stack Metallurgical Group 31 Ted Pella Inc. 31 Thermo-Calc Software AB IBC Thermo Fisher Scientific 31 Westmoreland Mechanical Testing & Research Inc. 79