
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 7 7 MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Los Angeles Hosts Student Night Jeanette Kwan and Angela Sifuentes were each awarded $2500 by the ASM Los Angeles Chapter. Checks were presented at the Chapter’s annual Student Night held on May 25, the first in-person Student Night since 2019. Pictured from left are Dana Shatts, Chapter historian and scholarship committee member; Jeanette Kwan, scholarship recipient; Angela Sifuentes, scholarship recipient; and Kentaro Lunn, Chapter webmaster and meeting chair. Hartford Hears About TBCs On May 18, the ASM Hartford Chapter featured a technical talk on the “Challenge of CMAS Attack on TBCs and Strategy for Novel TBC Development,” by Dr. Chin Ma of Curtiss-Wright Corp. MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Williams Visits Materials Camp ASM senior vice president David Williams, FASM, was on hand to support the final day of this summer’s Columbus ASM Materials Camp for Teachers. Williams is also an ASM Materials Education Foundation board member. The camp was held at Tolles Career & Technical Center in Plain City, Ohio, June 27–July 1. The photo shows enthusiastic attendees and Master Teachers (including Glenn Daehn, Todd Bolenbaugh, and Caryn Jackson), along with Williams. Ma Past Presidents Meet in Vienna Jack G. Simon, FASM, and Hans H. Portisch, FASM, both past presidents of ASM International, had a chance to get reacquainted this past June on European soil. The last time they were together was in 1989 when they attended one of Austria’s famous evenings of waltz dancing with their wives and the larger Portisch family. Simon served as ASM president in 1994 and Portisch in 1999. From left: Jack and Bette Simon along with Christiana and Hans Portisch in Vienna on June 12. Radzilowski Credited by Nobel Prize Winner Ronald H. Radzilowski, FASM, was surprised to be credited during a May 23 talk by Stan Whittingham, 2019 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. Whittingham was giving the Van Vlack Lectureship at the University of Michigan on the topic of climate change abatement and referenced Radzilowski’s published work on ionic transport in beta alumina. The two worked on the solid-state electrolyte battery in 1966-1970 while Whittingham was at Stanford University and Radzilowski was at the Ford Motor Co. Scientific Research Labs in Dearborn, Mich. After a 53-year hiatus, the two met in person at the Van Vlack Lecture and subsequent awards dinner. Stan Whittingham, Ron Radzilowski, and Chris Radzilowski at the Van Vlack Awards dinner at the University of Michigan Art Museum in May.