
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 7 3 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR CORNER nominating process, awards, and board policy structure. As president, Judith Todd and the other officers and I met to discuss ASM International’s board policies, and we agreed that the sheer scope of our policy manual merited a deliberate review, with an eye to streamlining the document. Judith provides an excellent overview of our deliberations and process in her column for this issue. While board and staff members are investing tremendous time into board policy this year, we jointly believe that it will provide clearer definition of the leadership, fiduciary, legal, and ethical requirements required to ensure successful organizational oversight. Strategic planning is another key responsibility of the board, which we undertake annually at ASM International, led this year by Vice President David Williams. David framed this year’s strategy work as bringing a deeper, more precise definition of our strategic initiatives in the current 2020-2025 strategic plan. Our process this year focused on leveraging the expertise of a wide range of our volunteer leaders through a leadership questionnaire, development of an external market outlook brief by our chief sales and marketing officer Ryan Milosh, and a series of interviews. In this way, we connected the internal expertise of about 70 key volunteers to external industry trends affectingmaterials science and manufacturing, to decide on key priorities for the organization over the coming year. Facilitator David Gammel of McKinley Advisors guided the board through the full-day session, which we will be refining through the fall with the board to shape next year’s operating plan. Another step in our annual governance calendar will take place at IMAT 2022, September 12-15 in New Orleans, during our Annual Society Meeting (Monday, September 12, 4:00-5:00 p.m.) to elect officers for the 2022-2023 term, and to discuss Society business. What a welcome change it will be to greet you in person and share our ongoing progress in creating a more resilient organization that builds on over 100 years of research and discovery! Wishing you an enjoyable summer and sending all best wishes from the Dome. Sandy Robert, CAE Executive Director, ASM International sandy.robert@asminternational.org ASM President Judith Todd greets staff member Ray Fryan at the Dome on June 28. Navin Manjooran, Amber Black, David Scannapieco, Sandy Robert, and John Kuli with results of their brainstorming session. Nicole Hudak, André McDonald, David Williams, Elizabeth Hoffman, and Ryan Milosh in a strategic planning breakout session.