HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 7 0 Mr. Paul K. Mason, FASM President Thermo-Calc Software Inc. McMurray, Pa. For outstanding contributions to the development, integration, and support of broad-based computational tools and data infrastructure, and for exceptional leadership in the use of these tools to advance the field of materials science and engineering. Prof. Douglas M. Matson, FASM Professor Mechanical Engineering Tufts University Medford, Mass. For significant contributions in microgravity rapid solidification and thermophysical property measurement and for mentorship of students to develop sustainable engineering projects for disadvantaged communities. Prof. Todd A. Palmer, FASM Professor Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics Pennsylvania State University University Park For significant contributions to the advancement of processing- microstructure-property correlations through impactful theoretical and experimental investigations of high-energy beam processing of important alloys. Mr. Luc Pouliot, FASM Chief Operating Officer & Chief Technology Officer/Co-Owner Polycontrols Technologies Inc. Quebec, Canada For the development and worldwide deployment of industrial online process control sensors yielding disruptive technology changes that contributed significantly to broadening the use of thermal spray in different industrial sectors. Prof. Timothy J. Rupert, FASM Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of California, Irvine For significant contributions in the understanding of structure-property relations of nanocrystalline metals and alloys, addressing the limitations of the material class, and enabling the widespread usage of these advanced materials. Dr. Adrian S. Sabau, FASM Senior Research Staff Member Oak Ridge National Laboratory Computational Sciences & Engineering Division Tenn. For unique applications of computational fluid dynamics and advanced modeling to materials science and engineering, specifically related to surface treatments, solidification, and other key areas in processing and performance. Dr. Narasi Sridhar, FASM Chief Executive Officer MC Consult LLC Temecula, Calif. For sustained contributions to the fundamental understanding of localized corrosion, the development of corrosion resistant alloys, and the mitigation of risk associated with corrosive systems. Dr. Franco Stellari, FASM Research Staff Member IBM Yorktown Heights, N.Y. For sustained and outstanding contributions to the development and application of novel techniques to the testing, fault diagnosis, and failure analysis of semiconductor devices. 2022 CLASS OF FELLOWS