HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 6 9 Prof. Nick Birbilis, FASM Professor College of Engineering and Computer Science The Australian National University Acton For the development of new corrosion-resistant magnesium alloys and fundamental studies on the microstructure-processing-property relationships in lightweight alloys. Dr. Carelyn E. Campbell, FASM Supervisory Metallurgist National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, Md. For significant contributions, leadership, and education in data driven computational materials science and engineering design. Dr. Qing Chen, FASM Chief Scientific Officer Thermo-Calc Software AB Solna, Sweden For the development of key CALPHAD modeling methods, and their implementation into commercial software modules and databases. Dr. Ryan Evans, FASM Director-Research and Development The Timken Company North Canton, Ohio For significant contributions in the development and commercialization of thin-film coatings and surface-engineering solutions to improve the performance of tribological contacts. Prof. Nikhil Gupta, FASM Professor Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering New York University Brooklyn, N.Y. For pioneering contributions to the science and technology of lightweight polymer and metal matrix composites, and exceptional dedication to the education of the public for scientific discoveries. Prof. Rainer J. Hebert, FASM Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of Connecticut Storrs For contributions to additive manufacturing involving metal powder behavior and melt pool solidification, and for developing advanced alloys for applications in aerospace and undersea vehicle technologies. Prof. Bertrand Jodoin, FASM Professor Department of Materials Science and Engineering University of Ottawa Canada For significant contributions to the understanding and development of the cold spray process and cold spray additive manufacturing. Prof. Hideyuki Kanematsu, FASM Specially Appointed Professor, FIMF National Institute of Technology (KOSEN) Suzuka College Japan For outstanding contributions to the field of elucidation of corrosion/degradation behaviors and surface characteristics for a variety of materials. Prof. Jian Luo, FASM Professor Department of NanoEngineering University of California, San Diego La Jolla For pioneering work in developing grain boundary phase diagrams; uncovering the mechanisms of grain boundary embrittlement, activated sintering, and ultra-fast sintering, and advancing high-entropy materials. 2022 CLASS OF FELLOWS