HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 6 7 Established in 2010, the honor of Silver Medal of the Society recognizes members who are in mid-career positions (typically 5 to 15 years of experience), for distinguished contributions in the field of materials science and engineering, and the Society. The purpose of this award is to recognize leadership at an early stage and encourage individuals to grow, nurture, and further contribute to the growth of the profession, as well as the Society. Bronze Medal Award Dr. Abdallah Elsayed, assistant professor, School of Engineering, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, will receive this year’s award “for technical contributions to light metals development in transport and related fields as well as engaging students, professionals and retirees through ASM service activities.” Dr. Sumedh Gostu, senior research scientist, Air Liquide, Newark, Del., will receive this year’s award “for groundbreaking and novel contributions in the chemical processing and extractive metallurgy of primary raw materials and secondary metallurgical waste materials and enduring contributions to the ASM Brandywine Valley Chapter and the International Hybrid Chapter Task Force; devising networking strategies to increase emerging professional involvement with ASM.” Established in 2014, the honor recognizes ASM members who are in early-career positions, typically 0 to 10 years of experience, for significant contributions in the field of materials science and engineering through technical content and service toASMand thematerials scienceprofession. Bradley Stoughton Award for Young Teachers Dr. Ashwin Shahani, assistant professor, materials science and engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, will receive this year’s award “for creativity and extraordinary effort in teaching undergraduate and graduate students, for providing innovative programming in materials science and engineering to underrepresented youth.” This award, accompanied by $3000, was established in 1952 in memory of an outstanding teacher inmetallurgy and dean of engineering who was president of ASM in 1942. The award recognizes young teachers of materials science, materials engineering, and design and processing, by rewarding them for their ability to impart knowledge and enthusiasm to students. The recipient must be 35 years of age or younger by May 15 of the year in which the award is made. Henry Marion Howe Medal Xiaoyan Wang, Yuanfei Han, Xin Su, Guangfa Huang, and Weijie Lu, will receive this year’s award for their paper entitled “The Formation of {10-12} Deformation Twin in Hybrid TiB-TiC Reinforced Titanium Matrix Composites,” published in Met. Trans. A, Vol. 52, Issue 1. The award was established in 1923 in memory of a distinguished teacher, metallurgist, and consultant, to honor the author(s) whose paper was selected as the best of those published in a specific volume of Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. 2022 AWARD PROGRAM HONOREES Elsayed Gostu Shahani ASM Historical Landmark Designation Ford Rouge Complex, Dearborn, Mich., has been selected as a 2022 Historical Landmark, and the citation reads, “For being the most successful full-scale vertically integrated manufacturing facility for almost a century, that has transformed raw materials that enable sustainable manufacturing and assembly processes to yield high- volume, technologically complex vehicles for the masses.” Wang Han Su Huang Lu