HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 6 6 lating the process-structure-property- performance sequence in creating optimized structural components.” Established in 1934 in honor of a distinguished teacher, metallographer, and metallurgist, the award recognizes pioneering materials science and engineering achievements that have stimulated organized work along similar lines to such an extent that a marked basic advance was made in the knowledge of materials science and engineering. William Hunt Eisenman Award Dr. Valery Rudnev, FASM, director, science and technology, Inductoheat Inc., Madison Heights, Mich., will receive this year’s award “for dedicated service to the global materials science community, leadership, development and promotion of induction heating and heat treating technologies and novel technologies.” The award was established in 1960, in memory of a founding member of ASM, and its first and only secretary for 40 years. It recognizes unusual achievements in industry in the practical application of materials science and engineering through production or engineering use. J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award Prof. Kallarackel T. Jacob, professor, department of materials engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, will receive this year’s award “for outstanding leadership in research and education in the area of thermodynamics and phase equilibria of metal and ceramic systems, encompassing innovation in experimental techniques and applications to materials processing.” The award honors J. Willard Gibbs, one of America’s greatest theoretical scientists. In addition to many other contributions, Gibbs laid the thermodynamic foundations of phase equilibria theory with his brilliant essay “On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances,” published in 1876 and 1878 in the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy. Allan Ray Putnam Service Award Dr. Guiru Nash Liu, FASM, senior experimental metallurgist, Progress Rail Inc., LaGrange, Ill., will receive this year’s award “for exemplary and continuous volunteerism, stewardship, and contributions to the Chicago Regional Chapter, ASM International, and Material Advantage.” Established in 1988, the award recognizes the exemplary efforts of various outstanding members of ASM International on behalf of the Society to further its objectives and goals. The purpose of this award is to recognize those individuals whose contributions have been especially noteworthy and to whom the Society owes a particularly great debt of appreciation. Albert Easton White Distinguished Teacher Award Prof. John J. Lewandowski, FASM, Arthur P. Armington Professor of Engineering II, department of materials science and engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, will receive this year’s award “for outstanding contributions to teaching and research in materials science and engineering. Under his tutelage, his students have performed world-class research in the mechanical behavior of intermetallics, metallic glasses, and high-performance structural materials.” The award was established in 1960 in memory of an outstanding teacher and research engineer, who was a founding member and president of ASM in 1921. It recognizes unusually long and devoted service in teaching, as well as significant accomplishments in materials science and engineering and an unusual ability to inspire and impart enthusiasm to students. Silver Medal Award Dr. Antonello Astarita, associate professor, University of Naples, Italy, will receive this year’s award “for consistent dedication to the science of manufacturing and for his contribution in the sharing of knowledge worldwide and in the mentoring of future generations of engineers.” Ms. Margaret Bush Flury, principal materials engineer, failure analysis, Medtronic, Fridley, Minn., will receive this year’s award “for passion for failure analysis, and using it to improve medical devices, patient lives, and to help grow others in the failure analysis and materials science communities during her 21-year ASM membership.” 2022 AWARD PROGRAM HONOREES Horstemeyer Rudnev Jacob Liu Lewandowski Astarita Flury