FEATURE A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 5 4 HTS HONORS PRIME CONTRIBUTOR WINNERS In 2017, ASM’s Heat Treating Society R&D Committee established a new recognition for the best papers in the heat treat industry each year. To be considered for the ASM HTS Prime Contributor recognition, papers must appear in either the HTPro newsletter or be published in ASM’s Heat Treat conference proceedings. All manuscripts from industrial companies (not universities or national labs) are automatically considered on an annual basis. Papers are judged on several criteria, including production readiness, breadth of potential applications, and writing clarity, among other factors. The aim of the honor is twofold—to recognize outstanding industry-focused manuscripts and to encourage submissions to both HTPro and the Heat Treat conference, which takes place every other year. This year’s winners include the following authors and their companies: • Kyozo Arimoto of Arimotech Ltd., Japan, for his paper, “A Brief Review on Validation for Heat Treatment Simulation” published in Heat Treat 2021: Proceedings from the 31st Heat Treating Society Conference. • Thomas Wingens of Wingens LLC International Industry Consultancy for his paper, “Retained Austenite Benefits or Avoidance Requires Dependable Determination” published in Heat Treat 2021: Proceedings from the 31st Heat Treating Society Conference. See page 10 for an excerpt of this paper. Winners receive a plaque and a digital logo for use in promoting their awards. For more information, contact Vicki Burt at vicki.burt@asminternational.org. HEAT TREATING PROGRAMMING AT IMAT 2022 IMAT is ASM’s annual meeting and industry-focused conference and exposition. This year’s theme is: The Circular Materials Economy. Held in New Orleans from Sept. 12-15, the IMAT programhas focused efforts onmaterials, applications, and technologies that involve industrial processes and economic activities that are restorative or regenerative by design. The show includes extensive heat treating programs, listed below. We hope you will join your colleagues at the show. Visit the registration page at imatevent.org for more information. Technical Programming • Monday, Sept. 12, 10:30–11:30 a.m. – Distortion Control and Residual Stress Session, chaired by Lesley Frame, University of Connecticut • Monday, Sept. 12, 1:00–2:00 p.m. – Surface Heat Treatment Session, chaired by Olga Rowan, Caterpillar Inc. • Wednesday, Sept. 14, 3:00–4:00 p.m. – “The Circular Materials Economy” Panel Session: A circular materials economy reduces material use, redesigns materials to be less resource intensive, and recaptures “waste” as a resource to manufacture new materials and products. It encompasses traditional efficient and lean practices as well as the now commonplace trifecta of “reduce, reuse, recycle” as key components of sustainable materials design, production, maintenance, and management programs. Because of the importance of reducing environmental impacts and preserving natural resources to the global health and well-being of current and future generations, the focus for IMAT 2022 has been chosen around this topic. Given the interdisciplinary nature of materials, the panel will include representatives from each of the six ASM International affiliate societies. The HTS representative serving on the panel will be Robert Madeira, Inductotherm Group. Student Activities Organized by HTS Fluxtrol Academic Research Competition. The goal of this competition is to encourage the participation of young scientists in the ASM Heat Treating Society, and to provide attractive offers and opportunities in the worldwide thermal processing community. All students will participate in the poster competition on Tuesday. Selected finalists will then participate in the oral presentation phase on Wednesday. Robert Goldstein, Fluxtrol, is the competition chairperson. H T EATING SOCIETY NEWS Kyozo Arimoto with his Prime Contributor award. Thomas Wingens shows his Prime Contributor award. 4