
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J U L Y / A U G U S T 2 0 2 2 4 8 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS PERSPECTIVE: CHALLENGES IN THE AEROSPACE MARKETPLACE AND GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES FOR THERMAL SPRAY M.R. Dorfman, G. Dwivedi, C. Dambra, and S. Wilson The market needs for increased engine efficiency and environmentally friendly solutions remain the key drivers for the aerospace industry. These efficiency gains will be achieved by meeting the challenges of higher engine operating temperatures, weight reduction, and novel surface solutions for increased component longevity. A critical question to address is if the thermal spray (TS) industry can continue to meet the challenges and demands seen by the airlines and the engine manufacturers. In addition to non-aerospace influences, the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected the landscape of industry growth, not only directly on airlines but also on the associated supply chain. This article reviews this market, its suppliers, and identifies the challenges and opportunities for future growth. (Fig. 3). coatings fabricated by thermal spray has been extensively applied for marine corrosion prevention, yet the anti-MIC coatings deposited by thermal spray technical route remain elusive. Developing thermal-sprayed coatings with dual anticorrosion and antifouling performances is key to combating MIC. AN OVERVIEW OF THERMALLY SPRAYED Fe-Cr-Nb-B METALLIC GLASS COATINGS: FROM THE ALLOY DEVELOPMENT TO THE COATING’S PERFORMANCE AGAINST CORROSION AND WEAR Moreira Jorge Jr. and Walter José Botta Fe-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) presents unique tribological and electrochemical properties. Given the inherent brittle nature and dimensional limitations of Fe-based BMGs, technological and scientific efforts are focused on their use for surface engineering solutions. Fe-based BMG coatings are promising to protect steel components operating in a wide array of hostile environments, with encouraging resistance against corrosion and wear. This article summarizes the progress of Fe-Cr-Nb-B glassy coatings in terms of alloy design, glass-forming ability, crystallization, powder production, thermally sprayed coatings, and how the microstructural features dictate the basket of properties. The strategy for selecting the alloy composition with high glass-forming ability is discussed based on thermodynamic calculations. (Fig. 4). Fig. 3 — Schematic of jet engine highlighting areas that require critical coating solutions. THERMAL SPRAY COATNGS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST MICROBIOLOGICALLY INDUCED CORROSION: RECENT ADVANCES AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Jianxin Wen and Hua Li Corrosion has been persisting as the most severe concern for steel structures in the marine environment. Due to thewidespreadoccurrence of biofouling, apart fromthe electrochemical corrosion, microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC) is an important factor that triggers the deterioration of marine steel infrastructures. Traditional anticorrosion coatings usually lack the antifouling function, attachment, and colonization of marine microorganisms, therefore, in most cases, accelerate existing corrosion damage. Anticorrosive Fig. 4 — View of nozzle upon atomizing and the spherical particles produced. JTST HIGHLIGHTS 14